Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 81
Art & Culture
place on earth sometimes. I have
never seen a country with so much
potential, so much wealth, so much
capacity to achieve greatness… just
head down the toilet with unerring
accuracy time and time and time
again, at the hands of those who say
that they are leaders. Consistently
and terribly failing repeatedly. What
a disaster! Since ‘independence’,
regime after regime, decade after
decade has failed to actualize the
potential of a nation replete with
capacity to do great things. Sub-
jecting her people instead to theirs
and the will and desires of the
globalist imperialists, under awful
policies that hobble the people of
the nation, preventing them from
attaining goals that are so simple
to attain, using the instruments
of state to subjugate, control and
humiliate and destroy destiny after
destiny, generation after generation.
Things has been epic in their levels
of extreme badness. My God! The
things I’ve seen, experienced and the equal measure… not the one that es of Kenya and all the regions of
things others have experienced! If had lost its way time and time again. Kenya, guided by the passionate
that’s leadership, Kenya and Afrika He asked her to present Kenya stage director, Betty Venetti, and
certainly do not need it. However, to Him. The genuine Kenya. The with the support of Oneness Media,
oftentimes the places with the great- Kenya that was in HIS mind before Mo Sounds, All Tymes Tents and
est things to accomplish go through time. And Mercy responded and the great team at KBN… the stage
the greatest levels of opposition to spoke to her brothers and sisters was set for the unveiling of The
their destinies. That has been Ken- and together they created a show to Kenya. It was time to set aside the
ya’s experience, that of the nations commemorate this great presenta- old in favor of the new.
of Afrika and that of the continent tion of what was in God’s heart per
of Afrika as well. the understanding they had received. A gathering of the family and
The day that was selected for this friends of the daughters of God
genuinely great reset (not that of the who walked the runway and a few
Then God said Schwabian variety) was the 5th of others were in attendance, to sup-
So, having watched the travails of September, 2021. port and encourage these girls, many
this little nation and all the foolish- of whom were walking the runway
ness of men, posing as if they are And so, on the grounds of the for the first time in their lives. Every
something and as if they are doing Kingdom Business Network in single girl who accepted the assign-
something amazing – all the while Nairobi, where we gathered to do ment to represent a region in the
busy taking the country to the pits this all important business of the Kenya went through a process of
of hell, God called time out. He said Kingdom, hosted by Mercy’s New transformation. Their concepts of
to His daughter, Mercy Mwendwa, Earth Africa, with the strength of identity, of beauty, of modeling and
that He wanted to “Unveil The the Awesome God Group, Sally even of Afrika were all challenged…
Kenya”. Not the Kenya that had Karago and her team who designed thrown out the window as they were
been taken round in circles by men, the garments that adorned about 24 forced to look within and draw out
not the one with tarnished name of God’s beautiful daughters, each the person who they were created to
and reputation, not the one that had representing the former 8 provinc- be and celebrate that person as they
been bragged about or ridiculed in