Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 83

Art & Culture

                                             wants to implement in the coun-    representation of her nations and
                                             try… because He works in collab-   her people boldly celebrating who
                                             oration with His people – and His   they really are and living it out with
                                             people are those He has determined   precision. How I dream and long for
                                             are His people, not what you might   that glorious day!
                                             think or be telling yourself.
                                             What will happen will be quick and   All it takes is a shift in perception
                                             sudden and powerful. It will be so   of God, self and others and the
                                             rapid that it will capture the atten-  sons and daughters of Afrika will
                                             tion of the world – as is intended   see who they really are, why they are
                                             – because this is the activation of   here and what they are capable of.
                                             a bigger move that God wants to    They will understand that they have
                                             implement in Afrika (because of    been lied to for so long – but that
                                             her singular role in the world at this   it is time to get past that and build
                                             time) and across the world once    the real Afrika that is in God’s mind
                                             what He does in Afrika takes effect.   and heart, that will bring about the
          office, murders, theft, corruption,   Remember, I said that Afrika has   redemption of the world. If you
          deception, manipulation, blackmail,   a great destiny that has faced great   have been reading our magazine for
          torture, corrupt businesses, greed,   opposition. This is what it connects   any length of time, you know what
          selfishness, rapes, oppression, polit-  to.                           I’m talking about. If not, we’ve got
          ical prostitution not to mention the                                  articles and a book that can help.
          other kind, oppression of widows   What God does in the spiritual
          and orphans, neglect of prisoners   realm is tremendously practical and
          and the hungry, and on and on.     to be lived out in everyday moments
          When a country is emptied out of   by every single person. So, what
          a way of operation that has been in   does this mean for Kenya? We must
          place for over 60 years with respect   believe God, trust Him and do what
          to colonialism, for hundreds of    He says. It’s funny, because of how
          years, with respect to slavery and   many people (have chosen to) live,
          other foolishness… what does that   they often don’t know that it is God
          country look like at the end of it?   they are interacting with until they
          How does it live? How will it inter-  see the outcome that helps them un-
          act with its citizens and its fellow   derstand that they were not involved
          neighbors?                         in an ordinary activity or event. Or
                                             that the words that they spoke were
          What God does in the spiritual     prophetic.
          realm is not a nebulous, intangible
          reality, oh no! It translates into tan-  We must work on our hearts and
          gibility very rapidly; it requires those   minds!
          who have been crying and begging
          for change and justice and God’s   What of  Afrika?
          intervention to step up and step   The truth that we are all well aware
          forward and act in those same areas   of is that the Afrika that God sees
          where they have been weeping to    is a far-off reality from the Afrika
          God for mercy and aid. It is oppor-  we have now in terms of state of
          tunity incomparable for every single   mind, physical state and mostly
          layer and level of society to shift   spiritual state. But, like we shared
          gears and become something it has   in our video from Lake Ellis, all of
          only dared dream it could be. It is a   that can change in a flash – just like
          complete metamorphosis, and in the   it did for The Kenya on the 5th of
          case of Kenya, pressure will increase   September 2021, and before we
          upon those who are instrumental in   know it, The Afrika will be unveiled
          bringing about the change that God   and on the scene with every accurate

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