Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 80

Art & Culture

                     n Sunday the 5th of
                     September, 2021 a
                     great unveiling was
         Omade, the unveiling of
          the true, the real, the accurate, the
          precise, the genuine Kenya. That
          which was in the heart of God from
          before time.

          You see, dear ones, these lives we
          live are inherently intertwined with
          the Divine Creator, whether we care   in the daily activities of man from
          to accept it or not. And He who    governing, to politics, to business,
          fashioned the entire earth, and knew   to family to education etc. are all
          that a country called Kenya would   lying to you as hard and as much as
          exist, had made a determination    they possibly can. And while they lie
          what nature it would carry, what   to you, in order to convince you to
          peoples would inhabit it and what   let go of or dilute your spirituality
          it’s divine purpose would be and the   almost to the point of uselessness,
          timing of all things carried out with-  they are practicing a whole other
          in and outside of the boundaries   spirituality that is based on utter evil:
          that were set for it. It is that way for   human (even child) blood sacrific-
          the entirety of Afrika and the world.   es; the opening up of and access
          This is why we have to pay attention   to supernatural portals using what
          to more than what we see with our   they call science (to fool you) all the
          eyes or hear with our ears.        while they know it is purely spiritual,
                                             and they use these to access the dark
                                             wisdoms to control and run things
          For those who are busy denying the
          existence of God, or saying a white   in the world and influence you. They
          concept of God, or a white Jesus   don’t want you to access your true
          was foisted on us and used to con   spirituality, because, if you pursued
          us of what was ours (even while the   a very real God and had consistent
          ‘founding fathers’ of Afrika robbed   and genuine interactions and rela-
          us blind, yet we say nothing!) do not   tionship with Him, they would lose
          ever be deceived about these two   all traction and gains that they have
          crucial things that you must recon-  secured in your life, your family,
          cile for yourself as priority items:  your country and your continent.
                                             And that’s just the plain truth.
                                             Every individual, every nation, every
          1.     God is very real and our
          ancestors had interactions and re-  continent has a place and a purpose
          lationship with Him in every single   in the eternal workings of things.
          aspect of their lives. You have the   Every single one. Therefore, it is in-
          same need they had and the same    cumbent upon each and every single
          access but do you use it or just   individual, nation and continent to
          shout about the ‘white’ Jesus, instead   search out, understand and imple-
          of seeking to know God and search-  ment these purposes, for therein
          ing out His mysteries for yourself?   lies fulfilment and victory like we’ve
          and;                               never known before.
          2.     All those who seek to deny
          you access to a spirituality (i.e., the   Back to Kenya. Speaking from per-
          globalists) who claim Afrika was   sonal experience, despite her many
          practicing dark arts and who claim   beautiful aspects, Kenya has been
          that God should not be interwoven   the most heartbreaking, tortuous

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