Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 87
staking a new frontier for a proper become an entrepreneurial genius, creating blossoming export market
understanding of business terrain in presiding over a vast business em- for local producers, who previously
Africa and the individuals who have pire with an annual turnover of two were struggling to sell their crafts
emerged as entrepreneurial trailblaz- billion U.S. dollars. Well told by the locally, and generating employment
ers. Fourteen chapters, profiles of authors, such a breathtaking entre- for hundreds, who previously were
eight successful entrepreneurs, and preneurial success is a story that jobless. The entrepreneurial inge-
five illustrative cases constitute the prospective entrepreneurs need to nuity of Mr. Asare helped extricate
fulcrum of the book. Faithful to know and try to emulate. hundreds from the clutches of
its title, the authors offer practical poverty.
guides that capture the experiences Chapter Two examines the issue
of those who are already doing well of making profits for a purpose. In Chapter Three focuses on grow-
in various business ventures. More other words, making profits is not ing entrepreneurial ventures. The
importantly, the book promises to just for its own sake; rather, prof- chapter identifies the key drivers of
be an invaluable template in the it-making ought to be for a social business growth. Growing busi-
hands of those who are contemplat- purpose. The chapter is designed to nesses requires entrepreneurs to be
ing business ventures in Africa. help guide entrepreneurs in their ap- focused - targeting time, energy, and
The book is organized into three proaches to making critical decision financial resources. Kuada and his
parts. Part 1 comprises 14 impactful centering on their visions and mis- associate identify key attributes of
chapters (pp. 1-98). Each chapter sions for their ventures. It chronicles growth-oriented entrepreneurship
explores different angle of entrepre- the lives of two prominent Ghana- to include: tenacity, perseverance,
neurship in the African context as ians who have leveraged their entre- persistency, determination, com-
well as providing practical guidance preneurial successes for the benefits mitment, resilience, self-confidence,
for prospective entrepreneurs in the of the larger society. The authors adaptability, flexibility, networking
region. Part 2 contains well-docu- documented the experience of Fred abilities, and passion. They entered a
mented profiles of eight successful Swaniker who saw the need for lead- caveat that although these attributes
individual entrepreneurs (pp. 100- ership in Africa and used his vast may not be present at the embryonic
142); while Part 3 contains five case knowledge in the corporate world to stage of entrepreneurial journeys,
studies (143-153). set up African Leadership Academy, they can be developed as the entre-
African Leadership Network, Global preneurs harness knowledge and
In Chapter One, Kuada and his Leadership Adventures, and Africa gain experience with their busi-
associate set the stage for the entire Advisory Group. ness ventures. Central to building
book by exploring the mindset as a growth-oriented ventures are clear
catalytic agent that fuels latent entre- Drawing on his Silicon Valley intentions; passionate commitment;
preneurial ambition and subsequent connections, Swaniker raised funds and consistent actions. The impor-
manifest behavior. They made the to launch the Academy in 2004. In tance of growth- entrepreneurship
point that entrepreneurial mindset 2016, he established The African is the ability to recognize and take
can be cultivated and nurtured. The Leadership University in partnership advantage of opportunities in the
key that unlocks the entrepreneur- with Scotland’s Glasgow Caledo- business environment. The authors
ial mindset is the determination of nian University. The overriding cast entrepreneurial orientation as
the individuals. With determination goal of the University is to train the ability to identify a problem or
emerges the desire and commitment high caliber leaders who will drive gap, and come up with innovative
to achieve and succeed. Personal Africa’s development and inspire solution. The evolution of Danso
efforts and inner determination help future generations. Located in Mau- Fruit Drinks is used to demonstrate
stimulate in individuals the creative ritius, the University has a towering how Mr. Charles Danso was able to
abilities and potential to see success ambition of building 25 campuses identify the lack of fruit-processing
as an achievable task. The authors across the continent and training industry in Ghana as a potential
crown the chapter with the story of three million leaders in five decades. business opportunity to establish a
Mr. Roland Agambire who illustrates The authors also narrated the story blossoming tropical juice market. He
the embodiment of entrepreneur- of Mr. Robert Asare who took the took advantage of the opportunity
ial mindset and personification of handicraft industry in Ghana from to become the pioneer local Gha-
determination to succeed. From a mere US$200,000 in annual sales naian company to produce, expand,
hawking kerosene and cigarette in in the 1990s to a multimillion-dollar and grow a variety of tropical fruit
the border towns, Mr. Agambire has (US$28 million) industry in 2011, juice for both local and international