Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 70


      Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala from Kongo    tinent for a long time. Since the   of the dense matter/physical earth.

      (DRC) is a 26 year old Marketing Specialist at   15th Century, practically, there have   Silent watchmen arrived in Afrika in
      Signori Armadio, he is the Head at Zola Ban-  been a lot of evil egregores that   the past centuries to bring light and
                                                                                because they had a nucleus that was
                                             have clothed our continent with the
      tu. He is Student of  the Servant of  Holy Spirit   introduction of the population of   very illuminated, and had entered
      for the  Conscience  awakening of  Black people   Afrika to slavery, colonization, and   into the space of Afrika, they were
      for the preparation of  the 3rd Civilization of  a   all the injustice, and recently with   basically a bridge of light in this
                                             the rape of women across Afrika, all
                                                                                space, and their rays of light boost-
      1,000 years in the heart of  Afrika in the time   this has created negative thoughts   ed/penetrated the mental and spir-
                  of  Aquarius.              in the hearts of men and women.    itual environment of the space of
                                             And it has created negative energy   Afrika to liberate it. Christians say
                                             that encircles our nations and all the   Yeshua is the way, it simply means
                                             people that live in our nations are   the presence of master Yeshua on
                                             directly impacted by these nega-   earth created a bridge between us
                                             tive egregores that cause people to   and the spiritual world.
                                             manifest a mentality that’s absolutely
                                             absurd. So, there was a need for pre-  And, as we said earlier, we have ad-
                                             cursors of light (people that live in   vanced to bring the fall of this great
                                             love, purity & justice) to come, peo-  edifice (evil egregores). Many Afri-
                                             ple like Mfumu Yesu, papa Simon    cans have risen up, this edifice will
                                             Kimbangu, and many others who      fall all of a sudden, but we fear that
                                             came after him to build a bridge of   when the edifice will fall there will
                                             light in Afrika so that little by little   be a catastrophe in the national lad-
                                             this evil of the astral world, this evil   der/hierarchy and this catastrophe/
          anything to make it in this life and   in the spiritual world of Afrika in   disaster will lead us to a civilization
          keep you in poverty because their   the astral and also mental world of   of light (Reign of Kwatulendo a.k.a
          car (body) wants to make it, now!   Afrika could dissipate. Because you   Reign of a thousand year). Ladies
          But, our Afrikan ancestors saw the   know that the universe is stratified   and gentlemen, all of this is to tell
          future, because they knew if they   into various layers, starting from the   you that if there are evil egregores
          build a good society now they will   denser layer to less dense layer.   (large evil thoughts) which cover our
          come back and reap the benefits. If                                   space, our entire way of reasoning
          you don’t know this, you will enslave   If there is evil in the astral level of a   will not be in symbiosis with light.
          your people for temporary car      country, it means there will be hate   And since all our ways of reasoning
          (body) needs.                      in the form of feelings and emo-   will not be in symbiosis with light,
          Mothers, fathers, sisters, you know   tions among the inhabitants, people   it will be very difficult for us to be
          very well that we are advanced     will be impolite because they are   habituated by virtues and values.
          in the fight for Afrika. There is a   directly attached to egregores that   Our life will no longer incarnate vir-
          visible dimension that seems a bit   influence their behaviors on the lev-  tues, our life will no longer incarnate
          complicated at the moment. But on   el of feelings and emotions, which is   values, and all our reasoning will be
          the level of elevated authors, on the   expressed in the manner of words.
          level of the astral world, as well as   And if there is evil on the mental
          on the level of the mental world,   level, it means people will have an
          great aspirations have been reached   evil way of thinking, a very wicked
          by the efforts of black people across   way of seeing/thinking about the
          the world. You know we fight not   universe, and it will be densified
          only against flesh and blood but we   in the world in dirtiness, in fights,
          fight against principalities, against   rivalries and in many other things
          dominations in the celestial space   like this.
          that create immense negative egre-
          gores (large groups of evil thoughts,    So, there is a lot of work to be
          see image). National egregores that   done at this level, so that we can
          have submitted an entire people to   make a good follow-up on the level
          spiritual enslavement in our con-

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