Page 93 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 93


          You were high on the euphoria of   between. Maybe if your family was   brothers-at-arms in order to secure
          the conquests of the Afrikan free-  opposed to it, you fought against   for themselves a pedestal that you
          dom fighters who secured a type of   the system, if your family was for it,   guarded with all your strength and
          victory that allowed you the room   you defended the system and if your   might. They clearly were the bigger
          to do all these things – you entered   family was somewhere in between,   pawns in the shelves of the colonial
          a brave new world and you began    you were trapped in fear, behind a   pawn shop, even though the world
          to build and defend the structures   wire fence, manned by armed by   thinks and calls them heroes. But
          you found, because you were told to.   white men or men who looked like   they are not and will never be, for
          Ignoring the cries of the freedom   you. Or maybe you were a maverick   history does not lie even if historic
          fighters who knew the war was not   who broke the mold and joined the   books do.
          over. Rejecting the appeals of your   battle regardless of conditioning,
          peers who understood what was      but because you believed in some-  Then you raised our generation to
          really happening, “The fight is not   thing greater.                  be ‘good’ citizens of our countries.
          over, it’s all a trick to lull us into a                              Obedient to the governing author-
          false sense of security!” But you be-  Unwittingly or not, you were a part   ities. Never questioning what we
          lieved the words of your ‘founding   of a greater war… and you still are.  were told but trusting that they al-
          fathers’ who told you that victory   As the white man planned their   ways had our best interests at heart.
          had come and it was now time to    strategic retreat, some of those of   You told us to go to school and
          put axe to grindstone and ‘build the   the generation of the ‘founding fa-  work hard and get a job. But as our
          nation’. Diligently you set to work,   thers’ agreed amongst themselves to   elder brothers and sisters did this,
          unaware that you had become mere   form cliques to profit off the backs   they found that there were no jobs.
          pawns in a larger game that was    of their brothers and sisters in the   Your generation had been gifted the
          being won by the neocolonialist    aftermath of colonialism. Instead   still warm, but now empty seats of
          imperialists. Unaware, or unwilling   of restoring things to the way that   the colonizer and you still occupied
          to ask, I often wonder to myself.  they were – or as close enough as   these seats and had not created new
          Anyway, you built, using their     they could – they chose to embrace   ones. So now, no room was left for
          templates, their knowledge, their   the way of the imperialist and build   the next people to come in and take
          globalist masterplan… you built a   according to the selfish and greedy   their turn at building. Unless you
          great, big, hulking prison system   colonial capitalist approach. They   had a ‘godfather’ in government,
          across Afrika that– unbeknownst to   chose to drag the majority of the   you couldn’t get anywhere and you
          you – was to contain your offspring.   rest of you along in their plan, with-  couldn’t get anything done. You
          To become the system that prevent-  out cluing you in to what was really   said we were lazy, that we were not
          ed them from fulfilling their great   going on. You became their minions   ‘trying hard enough’ and sent us
          potential. Was to become the system   and their pawns. You believed what   back out there to hunt for oppor-
          that shaped them into the minions   the white man told you, that your   tunities that barely existed so as
          for the global system, to build it,   lives before this were backward,   not to embarrass you – and those
          sustain it and protect it as you had   limited and flawed and that if you   of you who had money, sent our
          the microcosm you so diligently    did things ‘their way’ you could   friends and peers overseas to study
          worked on. Enthusiastically, you   make things better. So, you worked   and work and there they remained –
          designed and implemented struc-    hard all of your lives to make that   because life back home was impossi-
          ture after structure that resulted in   happen. Some of you believed in   ble without someone to grant them
          a system that resembled nothing    the dream you were sold and some   access to jobs. You didn’t mind so
          that your own parents and grand-   of you quickly learned that the    much, because of the dollars they
          parents remembered. Trapped in     dream was a lie and you were not   were able to send back home.
          the concentration camps of the     working towards some glorious      But, most of you didn’t see what
          white man or living in the forests   reality and they tried to warn you   you should have seen back then –
          hunted by their brethren or the    and got arrested, shunned, ridiculed   that the whole system was flawed
          colonizer, your parents and grand-  and rejected by the system and by   and doomed to collapse in on itself.
          parents remembered a time when     you. The ‘founding fathers’ con-   How could you see? You weren’t
          Afrikans roamed free, knew no visa   spired against those with aspirations   looking because you believed the
          or identification paper and oh, how   for real liberty, murdering them in   dream and anything that spoke
          their hearts longed for those days…   order to silence the possibility of   contrary to it – even our own
          but you, you grew up somewhere in   dissent. They killed their friends and   pain – you rejected as being the

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