Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 97
Health & Healing
advocates like to push untruths.
So beware! Do not fall for the fol-
lowing abortion myths:
“Abortion is safer for the mother
than childbirth.”
“Abortion is necessary to save the
life of the mother.”
“Abortion is the right thing to do
when a baby has a diagnosis of
some kind of birth defect.”
“Abortion is okay when the baby is a
result of rape or incest.”
“Abortion is less expensive than
But none of these are true. We tality rates range from 14.7 to 76.6 deems it necessary to save the life
explain why. per 100,000 (for abortions done at of the mother. Yet pro-life doctors
14 and 21 weeks, respectively).” have explained repeatedly that a
Abortion Is Not Safer than Child- doctor never has to intentionally kill
birth According to Coleman, a “more a baby to save the mother.
A February 2012 article in the accurate way of comparing mortal-
American Journal of Obstetrics and ity rates combines the records of Further, abortion advocates teach
Gynecology claimed that “the risk women’s reproductive history with that abortion is acceptable—even
of death associated with childbirth mortality reports. Such a study in encouraged—if the baby has a fatal
is approximately 14 times higher the United States showed wom- diagnosis or a diagnosis of some
than that with abortion.” Yet Pris- en who had abortions to be 62% kind of birth defect. But countless
cilla Coleman, Professor of Human likelier to die within eight years than parents have carried babies with
Development and Family Studies women who bore children” (empha- these diagnoses to term, and while
at Bowling Green State University, sis added). they may not be sure how long the
says that the study was a “‘danger- baby will live, or how to take care
ous distortion’—and deliberately To further understand the danger of of the baby’s needs, they know
misleading.” abortion, we can refer to Operation how to love. And they believe that
Rescue, which keeps track of moth- every moment of that child’s life is
Why is this so? ers injured or killed by abortion. In a precious.
recent news story, Operation Rescue
Coleman cites numerous reasons, tells us that an abortion clinic in Lit- Abortion advocates also teach that
including the fact that abortion tle Rock, Arkansas, placed its 68th mothers should not have a baby
businesses aren’t required to report call for an ambulance in March. who was created as a result of rape
abortions, and several states don’t That’s just one clinic. Yet we see sto- or incest. Yet we see numerous
report abortion-related deaths. She ry after story after story of women stories of these brave women who
also states that deaths by suicide needing emergency medical assis- understand that the violence of
after the abortion are rarely linked tance after an abortion. abortion does not wipe away the
to the abortion, nor are deaths that violence of the act that created the
come as a result of the “physical or These reports prove that abortion baby. It just adds to the trauma. As
psychological disturbances” a wom- is not safe for the mother. And it’s one mother says: “It didn’t matter
an often faces in the years following always deadly for the baby. then, and it doesn’t matter now, how
her abortion. she was created. My daughter was
Abortion Exceptions born very much loved. Her birth
In addition, Coleman states that the Even legislation that claims to be was a beautiful thing—a moment I
study in reference “does not consid- pro-life often allows for exceptions will always treasure.”
er the 13% of abortions occurring to abortion laws when a doctor
after the first trimester, where mor-