Page 102 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 102
up to feel “Good” about themselves
thinking they are in the “ELITE”
group to SNAP out of their bliss-
ful stupor/romance and get real in
thought. One thing is certain, these
European descendants STILL (un-
der the hood) consider you the scum
of the earth even when they “PER-
MIT” you to sit at their dinner table,
wine and dine with them a little then
pick up their table crumbs.
Having said what I have just said,
there is one thing that has always
baffled me (as I have seen/heard
this so many times over the de-
cades in various forms) and even in
this video Dr Githae explains that
African so-called leaders went to the Watch the full length of Dr Jack Githae’s video
SAME people and appealed to their
“Organizations” such as WHO (the
strategic instruments by which they
have used for so long to maintain no sense! My question is WHY spend all those
subjugation and dehumanization on years/decades learning stuff and
us). Thus, the same organization It is as if we are fixated and some- then not even being able to pass it
funding many of these programs how CLUTCHING on so DES- on or leave it behind for others to
against our kind and stifling any gen- PERATELY to the (drug I call) make positive use of?
uine self-development efforts by our “hope-iam” in the salvation at the
kind and here we go again reaching hands of the same group of people As a race, our crippling point has
out to them to virtually BEG for who created/maintained the CON- been our lack of a skilled MAJOR-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and DITIONS and CAUSED our prob- ITY of people (in other words too
tokens/breadcrumbs to be given to lem in the first place and have done few are skilled and many that are
them...Wow! so for centuries secretly SWORN skilled, their skills are useless to
TO DEHUMANIZE us and subju- the development effort because
It boggles the mind to see this gate us. I just do not get it WHY our they work for those western orga-
constantly done over the decades in people are so desperately in need of nizations that have long had a 70
various forms by our desperate peo- APPROVAL/ACKNOWLEDGE- yards head start) and our distorted
ple in so called positions of power MENT and recognition from/at education as the main difference
and authority. the knees of the same groups that between us and those that have
SUBJUGATED those they labeled sought to subjugate us for centuries
Will we ever overcome this warped as Black? I do not get it: is not whether we are HUMAN or
MINDSET? How do you TRULY not or whether we deserve to live
expect the man that is bleeding you Everyone needs to start Thinking- or die, but rather that for 3 cen-
to death (slaved your kind, raped, Outside-The-Box and in the direc- turies (a time period that is more
sodomized, tortured, sponsors the tion of Solutions. For many of you than enough time for any so-called
assassinations of your so-called have spent the last X-amount of undeveloped group/race to self-de-
leaders etc.) and causing nearly all years acquiring one skill or another velop on their own free will IF they
your below the root problems to (no matter how compartmentalized were not plagued with the vices of
suddenly have a CHANGE of heart that skill or trade may have been) dehumanization, subjugation, sod-
and then come up with solutions or do you really want to simply take omization, religious dogma, western
tokens of goodwill for you? that little you know to the GRAVE- political chicanery/hypocrisy, nega-
It is like the victim asking the vic- YARD with you? tive militarization, internalized police
timizer to help him or her? It makes
102 | we tell the true afrikan story