Page 105 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 105


          police”                            illiterates, jobless rascals living in   that the white man brought, the
                                             some wild places in the rural areas,   white man stole their land. Meaning
          The Rift Valley Regional Command-  get sophisticated weapons, which   that when the Afrikans opened their
          er George Natembeya admitted       the government of Kenya does not   eyes after prayers, they had the Bible
          that the bandits own sophisticated   have and which are only used by   and the white man had the lands.
          weapons, which are often used      rich foreign armies, should someone   You can pull out some sense in the
          for wars by international armies.   in the interior ministry, customs, im-  sentiment, but the question right
          He went on to say that the weap-   migration department, airports, the   now is this, do we ever question
          ons were powerful and capable of   army, the police etc., not be on their   our politicians when they boast of
          deadly mass destruction. He was    way out by now and be prosecuted   having thousands of acres of land
          quoted as saying “While our officers   for negligence of duty? Or what do   in their procession? I mean land that
          are using AK47 and G3 rifles, the   you think?                        is as huge as hundreds of thousands
          bandits (in Laikipia) are using M16s                                  of acres. When one political family
          and other heavy machinery which    Secondly, if Mr Moses Kuria, a     has about five hundred thousand
          are usually used  by foreign armies   member of parliament of Kenya   acres of land to themselves alone,
          who come for training in Kenya. We   can come out to say they receive   another has about two hundred and
          don’t know how they (the bandits)   “goodies” for their constituencies   fifty thousand acres of land, another
          get these heavy weapons.” Please   to shut them up in order to pass   two hundred thousand acres, and
          pay attention to the part of the   bills without due questions, should   the list continues, in the same coun-
          statement that says that the guns   both the members of the executive   try, who then really used the “Bible”
          the bandits use are only used by the   and the entire parliament be out of   or let’s say the position of authority
          foreign armies who come to Kenya   the door and under prosecution by   to steal the land from the hands of
          for training.                      now? Or is giving of bribe (good-  Afrikans? You be the judge.
                                             ies) and the receiving of bribes no
          The second statement was made by   longer against the law in Kenya?   Mind you, I am in no way approv-
          Moses Kuria, a Member of Parlia-   Or is the law just for the young   ing of the evils the white man did
          ment for Gatundu South constitu-   man on the street who is trying his   in Afrika. I hate the thought of it.
          ency of Kenya. He was recorded on   level best to make something out   And neither am I excusing those
          the 7th of September, 2021, to have   of life or just for the woman selling   who used and are still using reli-
          said, concerning the national budget   vegetables at the street corners? Just   gion as blindfolds for stealing from
          “What used to happen was every     maybe I am too naive to understand   Afrikans. They will have their just
          year before we passed the budget,   what this all really means and how   rewards. But, I am saying that, the
          we would be called to State House,   it’s supposed to be effected in the   sooner we begin to look again at
          both members of Jubilee and        society. Just maybe. But is it not a   what really is the problem of Afrika
          NASA. We would be given goodies    bigger self deception and foolery to   and to do everything that is possible
          for our constituencies, we would be   say that the laws and constitution of    to tackle them at their root source,
          told to shut up and pass everything   Kenya are “supreme” while it only   we will only remain jokers who are
          as it is.”                         affects the common citizens who    not fit to be called people. For to
                                             have no godfathers and political   point at effects and not deal with
          For perspective, Jubilee is the cur-  backbones, leaving out the many   causes, while expecting changes
          rent ruling party while NASA which   spoilt brats we have in the executive   is the same thing as madness. For
          is now defunct, was a coalition of   and in the parliament where the laws   crying out loud, we have a lot of
          opposition parties.                are made?                          madness and mental disease going
          I find these issues very telling of                                   on in Afrika that needs healing.
          what really is the problem with    Men do reap what they sow          For instance, when we compel our
          Afrika and why nothing seems to be   It has become a very popular no-  people to take the Covid-19 vaccine,
          moving as it should in our beautiful   tion, especially recently, to hear Af-  that is not a cure nor even a preven-
          continent.                         rikans say that the religion that the   tive solution, for a virus that is 99.9
                                             white man brought to Afrika is what   percent recoverable, just so that we
          Number one, if according to Mr     is making things not work in Afrika.   can have our share of the global
          Natembeya “We”, that is, the Ken-  Some even go to the extent of say-  Covid-19 cake, is that not madness
          yan government do not know how     ing that, while the Afrikans closed   and the actual definition of political
          bandits who are often pictured as   their eyes praying using the Bible   foolery?

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