Page 104 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 104
Samuel Phillips
o be sincere, politics and atmosphere we have in Afrika ( let thinking, I will use two statements
the intricacies of politics me limit it to Afrika) and the kind by two Kenyan state officers which
are not quite my area of decisions and choices politicians were made concerning two different
Tof thoughts, but every make or the things they say about issues and at different times.
now and then I bump into things or what is going on in their nations,
information to make me think and and then I wonder who these people Recently, there was some unrest and
ask questions. This article is one of really work for. Is it the people that gun attacks by bandits in a place
such bumps. elected them into office or some called Laikipia in the Rift Valley
other people outside the people Region of Kenya. Concerning the
Quite frankly, most of the political who elected them? But the answer violence, an article was published
dramas we find in the nations of staring me in the face points to on the ExpressNews website, which
Afrika are nothing but showcases the fact that, most likely, they are captures the statement of one of
of stupidity and mindless chases working for the system in their na- the police commanders in that area.
of vanity and which, like always, tions, which is controlled by outside The article was titled: “Natembeya
never produce sensible results. I forces. On encounter with Laikipia gun-
sometimes look at the political To paint a picture of what I am men: They have better weapons than
104 | we tell the true afrikan story