Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 100
Note from an Afrikan in the
Detailed Food-4-Thought
for anyone that is still human and has the capacity to THINK
Dear All, your kids and YOU vaccinated (I more sophisticated in strategy) to
told you last January among the var- peddle their EVIL and confuse you
This video (inserted in the next ied hidden Eugenics reasons is sur- while doing so.
page) is an hour long, BUT it is im- veillance but this video explains the
perative to watch if you truly want FULL picture better). This is deep You can download the video or
to understand WHAT is going on and the young lady (for those who stream it directly in your browser.
under the hood at root level and not understand research methods) did a Put in the effort to listen as the in-
on the WWE comic wrestling style phenomenal job at researching the formation provided in this interview
charade that you see on your TV issue providing you with NAMES will help you understand the wider
screen or read in your mainstream and Organizations and most impor- picture of things and why things,
media. tantly the STRATEGIES they use such as what was explained in the
(similar to what you see in the book book titled “Medical Apartheid”,
The REASON WHY they want titled “Looting Machine”, but far and all the experiments to date done
100 | we tell the true afrikan story