Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 95


          over the truth. Each time you chose   they are mandating their people to
          to turn a blind eye to the problems   stick into their arms willl destroy
          your new nation was facing, each   the next generation even if they
          time you ignored the niggling con-  themselves escape now. Admit to
          cerns about the vanishing liberties   the people on the other end of the
          you and your fellow citizens were   phone that you failed when the time
          facing and on and on and on.       came. You failed to hold them ac-
                                             countable because you yourself were
          Now you want to sit down at your   compromised. Fight now against the
          desk in your study to quietly rumi-  injustices you failed to confront in
          nate on the days gone by and to    the yesteryears, when you were try-
          leave us a memoir of your days? To   ing to build for us a ‘good life’. I am
          tell us what opportunities we should   here to inform you that there is no
          take before it’s too late? To tell us   ‘good life’, there is only a continua-
          how to live? Please don’t. Don’t   tion of the pains that you refused or
          recline in your seat when those of   failed to deal with, while you killed
          your generation, the ones who know   the ones who wanted to face them,
          things are sick and broken are still   and even if you didn’t have sword in
          fighting alongside us to push back   hand – you did it with your silence.
          the darkness. Don’t abandon them
          yet again. Don’t bounce your grand-  Don’t leave us your memoirs on
          children on your laps with pride,   paper celebrating a life that did not
          congratulating yourself for a job   safeguard our future nor teach us
          well done when the lives that face   how to safeguard the future of the
          them in the days ahead are nothing   generations to come. We don’t want
          but hell. Don’t rebuke your children   them. Don’t write us your memoir
          for following your weak and mis-   of how great your days were when
          guided exampled. No!!!             you refused to teach us how to live
                                             and eat clean simply because you
          Put on your armor, sharpen your    were caught up in the fantacy of
          sword and fight alongside your     shopping processed food and drinks
          children and grandchildren, for the   from the malls and supermarkets.
          war is still raging. Pick up the phone   It made you feel good that “devel-
          and call the people who you still   opment” had come to your nation,
          know who have the ability to change   but the reality is, it was cancer and
          things or who will at least listen. Call   the many other non-communicable
          the ones you know who have the     diseases that you opened the door
          ability to connect you to the ones   for into our lives.
          who may have forgotten your name
          but will remember you once you     Let your memoirs be those of lives
          speak. Call them and tell them that   greatly lived for purposes bigger
          they have failed us. Tell them that   than you, that terrify you to face
          they ought not to have learnt from   them. Let them be of sacrifices
          your generation how to engender    made that ensured that the best
          complacency, but they ought to     version of the future had a fighting
          learn from those who stood up to   chance. Do not abandon us to the
          you and your generation because at   future you know does not exist…
          least those had ideals that they were   let us face the now with the fierce-
          fighting for (and still do and still   ness of those who came before us
          are) that were for the betterment   who fought with everything, every
          of those who were around them.     passion to create the possibility of
          Tell them boldly and clearly that the   freedom for Afrikans – but this
          poison called Covid-vaccines which   time, let’s finish what they started.

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