Page 101 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 101
on those labeled as Black pales into
insignificance when compared to Everyone needs to start Thinking-Outside-The-
what is coming down the PIPE-
LINE that they desire to achieve by Box and in the direction of Solutions. For many
2030. of you you have spent the last X-amount of years
acquiring one skill or another (no matter how
Trust me, as if you think that YOU
as a person are “HUMAN” then compartmentalized that skill or trade may have
get it that it is YOU then that these been) do you really want to simply take that little
creatures feel does NOT deserve you know to the GRAVEYARD with you?
to have a life (and they will go to
extreme lengths to amputate their
own minds and justify what they do
to cull the population).
under the feet of elephants get companies that took on a more
They have been working on this trampled upon. public appealing Charity/busi-
for over a century (many of you ness look and feel) so it behooves
can’t comprehend this, but if you What the interview explains is not me why any ignoramus IT person
had read the books/records you pleasant but you should be able to would even say the internet is a free
would have seen it coming too) as follow the thread. More so for those and open place, as it just shows the
these people abhor humanity and who have an IT background (espe- ignorance of such a person and
their real/ultimate goal (something cially those who studied the stuff one has to doubt what that person
I also pointed out long ago as their with proper physical books and even professes to know about IT.
own torturous history unmasks this trainers in classroom, not necessarily Anyway, the internet can be used
truth) was really their OWN KIND the new age internet learning folks) for good but sadly it is the BAD
as we (those labeled as Black) were you should know who/what DAR- that seem to be overshadowing...
just the initial practice and experi- PA is. For those who don’t have an But let the video explain as Whitney
mental grounds for them to per- IT background, contrary to what explains in far better detail. It may
fect their actions to implement on you may know or have as an illusion need watching a few times, because
their OWN KIND. Do not forget about the INTERNET, it was DAR- there is so much information in this
that even when the likes of Hitler PA that split/cut away a section of single hour, so for those who have
went to extreme lengths to create their military network and offered it a mind for detail, I recommend
the master race to rule over ALL for economic public use. listening to it a few times over to
humans. YOU, the one labeled as grasp the information properly. Bill
Black, was NOT even included in If you know WHAT DARPA is Gates is the name you hear most be-
that very group they referred to as then you would be a fool to think cause he has funded many of these
HUMANS, as Hitler and his supe- the internet was FREE for all (as THINK-TANKS. But the truth is
rior class of “humans” wanted to many have as illusions) and never these THINK-TANKS are the your
subjugate and rule over the LESS- at any point in time did they give top end academicians who despise
ER breed of humans (those labeled up control of it as the internet is humanity and a world they perceive
White) neither you nor I were in still very much controlled despite as MASTER CLASS and LOWER
that group they refer to as HU- the embellishment and romantic CLASS.
MANS, as we were in another class illusions they often psyop sell you.
called SUB-Human, so it was NOT But like any tool/technology it As a side note: For those of you
US Hitler wanted to subjugate as can be used for Good and not just who like to console yourself that
we did not even Exist in his mind.... only bad as these fools use it for. you are the new “BLACK” Elites
try to wrap your head around this For those who remember their IT you truly are ignorant as these fools
TRUTH! basics, you were told that the reason (your legacy colonial masters) do
for the shortage of IPV4 addresses not consider your perception of
Sadly, like World War 1&2 that was was because DARPA had original- “Elitism” as part of their Super
created (again) by them it ended up ly planned only a HANDFUL of MASTER CLASS RACE, so it may
affecting us (as their evil somehow companies to rule the world (largely serve anyone thinking in this warped
also spills over) and we like the grass UN subsidiaries and later over time mindset and propping themselves