Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 62


          desires for His to take the center   God and who wouldn’t want to     assumptions when we later realized
          stage.                             stand in the way of what God       that we were actually doing our
          As much as this is the case with   wants or commands, especially in   own thing? The answers to these
          how God deals with the person He   his own household, he allowed      questions are definitely according
          wants to relate with, what about   the boys to continue watching TV.   to each person’s dealings with God,
          those who use the name of God      Then something quite interesting   so I won’t give my opinion.
          to get their way, while they know   happened. He told us that the mo-
          on the inside that what they are   ment it was around 9pm or there-   We are living in a world where
          saying is not from God? Well, to be   about, both boys started falling   “spirituality” or Bible quoting has
          fair, people do not always use the   asleep right where they were seated   become the norm for doing things
          name of God unjustly, consciously.   watching TV. So, he woke them up   that are both unworthy of God
          Sometimes, people do genuine-      to continue watching until 11pm,   and what true spirituality means.
          ly believe they are hearing from   since thats what God told them to   People now lie and deceive others
          God or being led by the Spirit of   do. They sat up, but obviously, the   in the name of God, in order to
          God over a particular issue, but   young lads could not keep their    have their way and pleasure, and
          then it turns out later that it was   eyes open for another second.   then still walk tall with all pride like
          not God or His Spirit giving such   He knew what the game was, so     all is cool. I watched a video re-
          directives. Such innocent mistakes   he deliberately tried to keep them   cently of a pastor shaving a wom-
          do occur and are forgivable. And   awake. But they just could not keep   an’s pubic hair right in the front
          even though it’s not the best way   their eyes open. At some point, the   of the church, while still making
          to deal, at least such a person is   two young boys had to confess that   prophecies. I am sure he definite-
          already being mindful of the truth   they were not so sure if it was God   ly believes he is hearing God, or
          that, God is both real and should   that told them to watch TV till   whatever else he is listening to for
          be listened to.                    11pm. He allowed them to go to     him to do that, but in my view, the
                                             bed after they apologized or so.   act is as foolish as the man who
          This article is not really about                                      says it’s God that asked him to do
          those who make mistakes in their   Inasmuch as it’s a very interest-  it. It is not consistent with God to
          walk with God, but about those     ing story of two young lads in     do such a thing.
          who have mastered the use of the   their attempt to navigate the path
          Bible or the name of God to get    of hearing God and staying true    Politicians are now parading
          their ways, for their conveniences.  to what He said, or which they   themselves everywhere using the
                                             assume He said, it was also a major   name of God to gather votes and
          I remember, a couple of years      lesson for anyone who really cares   support from the people. But
          back, that should be around when   to learn the lesson. Now, I am not   how many of such politicians go
          I just got married, my wife and I   saying that God did not speak to   to God in the first place to know
          went to visit one of our Kenyans   them about watching TV till 11pm   if they were supposed to contest
          brothers and his family. I am not   and neither am I saying He did. Be-  for any position as per God’s will
          even sure if he will remember the   cause the issue may be that He ac-  for them? I believe not many. My
          event if he reads this article. So,   tually spoke to them, but they did   point is this, it is convenient and it
          on that day, as we chatted about   not have the inner strength to stay   suits the pleasures of men to talk
          various things around hearing God   awake to manifest what He said. It   about God, but it becomes an issue
          and following the leading of the   just could be anything really.     if you ask them if God really said
          Spirit, he shared with us a very                                      what they are claiming He said.
          interesting story of his two sons.   Now here is the thing. How many
          Quite young at that time, but they   times have we said God said we   But here is the dark side of things.
          are “big boys” now. He shared with   should do such and such thing or   There is a command not to take
          us how on this particular evening,   go to so and so place, even when it   the name of the Lord in vain,
          he had asked his kids to go to bed   may not be true He did. Next, how   which is a punishable offence be-
          at around 8pm or so, but they      many times have we used the name   fore God. And of course, of what
          responded and said that God told   of God just to have our way with   use is using God to cover up for
          them they should stay and watch    someone or in a situation? Anoth-  that which is not really what it is?
          the TV till 11pm. Though he was    er, how many times have we genu-
          surprised, being a man that loves   inely said that we are sorry for our

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