Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 67
to be numerously resurrected? Five ‘in God’s will’. This name truly fits
six seven! Fire. They spread dread in the character. His ox is named Sisay,
our hearts by speaking of an eternal which means ‘fortune’, which fits
hell that awaits us. Where are we the animals upon whom traditional
supposed to be now? Are we not farmers entirely depend.
in hell? Stop this nonsense!” How His neighbor, Mrs. Shumnesh, is
insightful this is! a paragon of the rich and power-
ful. Her name translates into ‘the
This relates to the false proph- elected’ or ‘the chosen’. She refuses
ets who use the bible to subdue to support Bersufekad when his
and control the people. Even the family was desperately seeking help.
colonization of Africa was carried The plight of the farmer transforms
out through the missionaries. They into the plight of the nation and
spoke to Africans the words of our Africa. Politicians rise to power
God, which they never believed. by echoing the misfortune of the
They used Him to make Africans famers and the working-class, but
bow under oppressions. Then, our never deliver on their promises. The
own spiritual leaders together with rich and powerful, always promise
our politicians, followed the same to help society, and alleviate poverty.
mentality as the colonizers. They But all is lip service, and they only
made people accept tyranny through seek personal gain at the expense
the fear of eternal damnation. of the rest. Farmers used to entirely
Modernization of agriculture could depend on God, and now they also
not be imagined under this circum- depend on the national policies. The
stance. government officials, the educated,
and the innovators of Africa can
I personally think this story pro- help them, if only they go beyond
vides us with a glimpse of the life their self-serving agendas.
of Ethiopian farmers, and those in
other African countries. It helps to In a nutshell, it is a story that por-
create sympathy from those who are trays the life of the rural population.
alien to the farmers and their dire For me, this work alone puts Sebhat
situation. This may elicit the intellect on a pedestal and continues to
or anyone with power to take real resonate in our hearts until we find
action that alleviates the multifac- a solution to such predicaments. In
eted problems. History shows us the end, the artist can show us the
the incredible ingenuity of human reality and those who listen can rise
beings in surviving against all odds. to take action. Ethiopia cannot pros-
We have managed to make a life per when 80 percent of its popula-
through our ability to understand tion is neglected. Africa cannot be
and tame raw nature. The realization wealthy while the majority of the
of such potential is the vital step in people, the farmers, are in poverty.
creating a better life for our farmers; Supporting rural development is
in making a better world. the best alternative for Africa. Our
education must truly be African, and
Sebaht shows us the power of must be manifested in a curriculum
words in this short story. The that strives to address and solve Af-
manner in which the plot unfolds rican problems. The infrastructure,
has an effect on the reader. The education, and the overall techno-
symbolism used in the naming of logical and economic support we,
characters is the other special aspect as Africans, invest in rural devel-
of this work. The name of the opment, will lay the foundation for
main character, Bersufekad means African economic independence.