Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 63
Samuel Phillips
Greater love has no one than kindness and every other good vir- When cold-blooded murder takes
place in relationships, and especial-
tue we have been blessed with.
this, than to lay down one’s life While not saying that death for ly when we are talking of multiple
for his friends.” someone is the only act of love that cases, then it’s time we sit up and ask
humans can show to others, it did ourselves critical questions about
point to the fact that, anyone who what is really going on. I will give a
can go to the lengths of putting few examples that happened very
their life at risk to save others, or recently.
here is no acceptable to preserve the life and health of
reason for any form of others at the risk of their own, is On the 13th of October, 2021, news
domestic violence, street worthy of double honor, for they arrived about the murder of Agnes
Tmugging or acts of ter- love indeed. Tirop, a world class athlete who
rorism in any given society. Nothing represented Kenya at the Tokyo
can make it right, no matter the rea- But, with the many cases of sense- Olympics in August 2021.
son given for such acts and it must less killings and muggings that are Her lifeless body was found in her
be frowned upon at all levels and in happening in our homes and the bedroom with a deep stab wound
all shapes that it appears. larger society, how do you make on the neck, according to the police.
sense out of a situation where a It is believed she was killed by her
The above quote about love and person is killed by a supposed loved husband, who was later caught by
friendship is a Biblical passage in one, whom they are married to, or the police, hundreds of kilometers
which Yeshua shared His thoughts in relationship with? It becomes away, in Mombasa, while trying to
on the life of sacrifice and how that another case that is not of love and escape to Tanzania.
death for a loved one is considered selflessness, but that of domestic
the highest form of love. Love that violence. Just a day or so after the death of
is based on selflessness, compassion, Agnes Tirop, another Kenya female