Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 88
bear children, her value had been destroyed and savage, while the whites who unthinkable fashion.
by the damage he had done. He also knew created systems based on acts that I reason that if all you do as an Af-
that countless other black females were cannot be less than evil, as geniuses. rikan is see yourself or allow others
considered worthless because of the same And this is not just about Mau Mau to see you only from the mirror of
condition. or Dr Sims alone, but it is found in color, in this case, black and even
Sims decided to begin a program of many other historical records, which aggressively defend your so called
research to discover a surgical remedy for are lopsided to create an angelic “BLACKNESS” then why do you
vesicovaginal fistula, utilizing female slaves white race in the face of a demonic complain when the white man calls
as his research subjects. He built a small black race. you nigga? It is a very simple ques-
hospital/laboratory and had no trouble tion that needs a deeper reflection.
securing Anarcha and six other similarly Yes, there are those who argue that We cannot keep playing the color
afflicted subjects from their cooperative Sims only did what he did based on card and then expect to truly live out
owners. Between 1845 and 1849, he the resources that were available to the reason why we are from Alkeb-
experimented on these unfortunate black him at the time. In fairness, that may ulan, which is that we are pioneers
women, trying various procedures to close be correct, but what about refus- of life on earth and that life and its
their fistulas. Sims operated repeatedly on ing to use painkillers? Is it that the progressiveness expects much more
the slave subjects, working without anes- bodies of the ‘slaves’ did not feel from us than we are already giving.
thetic, but keeping them heavily dosed with pain? What about the soldiers of the We must stop playing the color card
opium, which probably explains why they Kenya Land and Freedom Army? and start manifesting the creativity
didn’t run away. He finally perfected his What other choices or resources that we are originally known for as
technique doing an operation on Anarcha, did they have at that time in histo- people from Alkebulan-The Mother
who had inspired his work in the first ry to defend their lands from the of Humanity.
place. This was the great humanitarian machine-gun bearing and war plane
achievement for which Sims is honored flying, invaders than death to the What am I really saying?
today. Long forgotten is Anarcha, the poor white man who ejected them off Inasmuch as I despise the white
woman on whom Sims operated without their lands, raped their women and man’s shameful atrocities that have
anesthetic, thirty times! killed their men? been committed against the Afrikan
Anyone who closely observes the reckless people, case in point, the millions of
intervention that prevails in obstetrical gy- The issue of color Congolese killed in DRC by the evil
necological practice will conclude that Sims As I write this article, I had to force king Leopold of Belgium and the
is an appropriate choice for recognition as myself not to go too far from mak- many other uncountable evils still
the father of gynecology. His obsession ing sure the end result of the article being carried out across Afrika, my
with surgery and his lack of compassion will be wisdom for Afrikans (home case really is with my people from
for the women who endured the incredible and abroad) and change of heart for Alkebulan. We cannot continue the
torture he inflicted on them are still reflect- the white man(for those willing). way we have been. And I mean, we
ed in the behavior of many who practice really need to come together and
this specialty today. For Afrikans, the truth is this, create an ecosystem that works for
Sims’ use of women and human guinea Afrikanness is a spiritual reality that us. The foundation of the white
pigs was not unique to his time. Modern speaks of SOURCE rather than man’s system and ecosystem is that
Medicine and its pharmaceutical allies are a race that speaks of color. So, it of blood, oppression, capitalism,
still experimenting on unsuspecting victims is myopic of Afrikans themselves slavery, spite against those that don’t
who number in the millions. Many of and whoever else to limit or reduce look like him, which I believe stems
them are damaged by the drugs they are the Afrikan reality to color rather from a deep inferiority complex;
given and some of them die.” than a spiritual entity which speaks but the foundation of the Afrikan
of the fountain of life. For it is is Ubuntu, which recognizes that
My thoughts self-deception to agree and say that a single person only has life when
I specifically used the story of Ken- Afrika or Alkebulan is the cradle of connected to the whole and thus
ya Land and Freedom Army, mostly humanity, while at the same time HE IS BECAUSE OTHERS ARE.
known as Mau Mau, and the story calling Afrikans the black unwanted Meaning that the issue of Afrikan
of Dr Sims, to make a point about species of humanity. And I say this unity is not just some play on words
how history was deliberately twisted specifically to Afrikans themselves. but the very thing that will help Af-
to paint the Afrikans who defended For I have seen and heard Afrikans rika come out of the rot she is right
their homes from invaders as evil despise Afrika and Afrikans in some now. We can do it. So let’s do it.
88 | we tell the true afrikan story