Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 87


          by Paul Ngige Njoroge, a Kenyan    ting Alsatian police dogs to maul Agikuyu   teous “superior white race” and an
          author.                            men to death, tying people to Land Rovers   “inferior savage black race.”
                                             ending with mangled bodies, or inserting
          Under the chapter “Making the ulti-  bottles into women’s birth canals. The   As I read the book Male Practice:
          mate sacrifice” where he dealt with the   white man is amazing for his capacity for   How Doctors Manipulate Women,
          Mau Mau uprising, he said some-    deception, especially self  deception. He   the author, Dr Robert S. Mendel-
          thing about the name Mau Mau,      talked about the “bestiality” and “savage-  sohn, MD, shared a very horrifying
          “The name Mau Mau has uncertain    ry” of  Mau Mau - while practicing some   story of the man Dr. J. Marion Sims,
          origins. Some people have speculated that   of  the worst kinds of  violence against the   whom the world calls the father of
          colonial government agents heard people   person known to humanity. Today he is the   Gynecology due to his contribution
          reverse the sounds of  the words Uma   great champion of  human rights - while   to the field of women’s health.
          Uma whicch means “get out get out” when   still murdering people in Afganistan and
          they were found administering the oath.”   Libya. But in reality, the white man is the   To quote Dr Robert, he wrote
          He went on to say “But the adherents   greatest worshipper of  what Shakespeare   “I have always found it fascinating and
          of  the freedom movement did not always   called the “hideous god of  war”, a god that   appropriate that one of  those early gynecol-
          refer to themselves as Mau Mau; and   exacts sacrifices in murdered bodies, muti-  ogists, Dr. J. Marion Sims, is revered by
          it is important to note that the colonial   lated bodies and the blood of  infants.”  contemporary practitioners as the ‘father of
          propagandists used the name Mau Mau by                                gynecology’. The basis of  this recognition
          way of  the demonization of  a legitimate   Imagine all of the atrocities that   was Sims’ role as founder of  the New
          rebellion against colonial oppression. The   were meted out against the Mau   York Women’s Hospital, as inventor of
          colonial propagandists could self-righteously   Mau and the people of Kenya   a number of  surgical instruments and,
          convince themselves that they were dealing   during the revolt was “to justify their   most significant, as developer of  a surgical
          with an “atavist” movement created by   intention to eliminate this threat to their   technique to close vesicovaginal fistulas,
          people with “diseased minds” and justify to   comfortable stay in Kenya.” Imagine   a condition in which there is an opening
          themselves the inhuman brutality, terror,   such arrogance, self-deception and   between the bladder and the vagina. The
          violence that they visited on Mau Mau   wickedness. To the self-deceived   latter achievement also won him another
          adherents and the Agikuyu, Ambeere,   white man, it is ok to come into   title, ‘the architect of  the vagina’.
          Aembu and Ameru generally...The na-  another man’s land, eject them   When Sims died, the Journal of  the
          tionalist army gave itself  the name Kenya   from the land and then kill them   American Medical Association was
          Land and Freedom Army.”            when they revolt and ask for their   extravagant in its praise.  His memory the
                                             land back. So, the settlers and the   whole profession loves to honor for by his
          Now, if the name Mau Mau was not   officials of the colonial government   genius and devotion to medical science, he
          the original name of the freedom   who created the boogeyman of Mau   advanced it in its resources to relieve hu-
          fighters and if Mau Mau was a      Mau Evil, to kill Mau Mau fol-     man suffering as much, if  not more, than
          demonization of the true cause     lowers was justified - because they   anyone who has lived within the century.
          of the freedom fighters, how then   would be eliminating an evil thing,
          did history only record Mau Mau    a disease. Imagine such pride and   Who was this compassionate genius?
          as their name and not Kenya Land   arrogance.                         Sims became a general practitioner in the
          and Freedom Army? Your guess                                          south in 1835. Initially, he shared with
          is as good as mine. The distortion   The “holy” murderous “father     other physicians of  the time a distaste for
          of history to suit the narrative of a   of  Gynecology”               gynecological problems and avoided treating
          “superior British” and the “inferior   Apologies to doctors who are   them. He was led into the field by chance,
          and disease minded Kenyan guerrilla   reading this part, especially gyne-  when he became intrigued with the case
          fighters.”                         cologists, or their family members.   of  a female slave named Anarcha, who
                                             It is sad that you guys have a great   developed a vesicovaginal fistula because of
          Writing about the double standards   trade in helping and saving women,   instrument damage Sims inflicted on her
          that the white man, in this case, the   and that, I appreciate deeply, but the   while delivering a baby.
          British used in passing judgment   history of your trade is nonetheless   Remember that this was an era during
          during the bloody uprising, Paul   steeped in some dark, bloody and   which female slaves were valued mainly
          Njoroge says “The double standards are   evil practices, which must be spoken   for the babies which they could produce,
          mind-boggling: the same whites were not   about, especially as it sheds light on   an era when some plantations were huge
          repelled when they used the most degraded   the white man’s mastery of distort-  slave breeding farms. Sims knew that
          forms of  torture, like castrating men, get-  ing history to fit a clean and righ-  because Anarcha was no longer able to

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