Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 84
What those who can clearly see that actions over centuries. we felt that highlighting the issue of
the “SYSTEM” and all its major family would be of utmost impor-
players are corrupt and rotten and Conclusively, You (likewise our- tance as, in this somewhat shattered
anti-humanity need to start focusing selves) will be better served if you and distorted world that we live in,
on is TEACHING A NEW WAY focus your efforts on “HOW TO” many have not been socialized to
by (if need be) revisiting the actual MASS educate VALUES to the even understand how powerful that
system and taking any good bits greater African population (this is one unit can be to the healing of
from it to re-structure it in a genu- not an easy feat and needs Think- society.
ine positive manner beneficial for ing-Outside-The-Box to achieve, as
humanity and not construct it for sabotage is rife, but it is doable if Yes, like you say, in many cases the
greed, dehumanization or subservi- their is an understanding of what families themselves are heavily
ence; and how it needs to be done and compromised because of the gener-
if there is a will) as it is in, making ational indoctrination that has taken
For decades too many of us have humans “human” lies the in-road place for so long, and, yes, so many
been “talking” and “Singing” about to truly preserving humanity in a zombies exist where beautiful,
a NEW WAY but never putting genuine human manner and not in intelligent and wise individuals
in the brain/physical implementa- the “Illusionary” manner done to ought to be - and it can be disheart-
tion effort to construct a system date by those who have for centu- ening to consider. However, speak-
for TEACHING it using even the ries been steering humanity down a ing as a former ‘zombie’ (this is Chi-
same tools the old way set in place destructive path. oma), who was so deeply enmired in
but this time instead of using them the ways and workings of the world
negatively (as the western world has Anyway, I hope you guys are doing for so long, I continue to hold on
done) but use them POSITIVELY fine back there and I see you are to hope that there will be others like
for the general progress of human- holding your own and setting up me who will have a moment of real-
ity. your own portal slowly pulling away ization, much like Nebuchadnezzar
(sensibly so) from gooTube. We did, and a restored mind will propel
Europeans have a history of vio- have not forgotten you as we shall them to ignite change. We both hold
lence, brutality, extinction of other get back to you once we address the on to hope that where the biological
races/religions and excessive evil/ challenges we have over here. family has failed many, there will be
terror etc. thus THEY ARE NOT those who will step up and step in
(I repeat: They AR NOT) THE Stay strong and keep your head up: and create ‘surrogate’ families that
ONES positioned to see through can still provide nurture and some
their own madness and thus bring Peace. Idris. form of healing and restoration to
about effective positive change for those who lack or lacked the proper
humanity. Below is our response: foundations to stand on in those
home. This also happened for us, in
Their own history track-record has How lovely to hear from you, Idris, various ways, where we found
shown that they make things worse Thank you for your feedback and stabilizing influences in people who
for humanity as the propensity they insights, as always, and our thanks to wanted to do right by us. Those
have for violence, dehumanization, whoever shared the video with you. new families can then be the healing
manipulation, control, subjugation, It’s encouraging to know that this effect and help restore sanity to the
making other races extinct, sod- content is being viewed and shared. family structure for the ones who
omization, turning your mothers/ find themselves in their care, en-
fathers/brothers/sisters into pimps Yes, domestic violence and matters abling them to be able to understand
and hookers and a plethora of evil of social violence are quite compli- how to create their own correct
is not something they can easily cated to handle but with so many foundations and structures in their
change as if they could they would increasing incidents worldwide, we own homes when they grow up. It
have done/demonstrated it to date: felt it was important to at least begin just requires the commitment of
a conversation around it and share the ones who are willing to ‘do their
That CHANGE can only be under- perspectives that may be of some little’ to shift the trajectories of the
stood by those who have been on transformative use to someone who ones within their reach.
the RECEIVING end and some- is watching. There is so much we There is definitely a lot going on
how miraculously survived their evil may not have managed to cover but right now globally and it is clear to
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