Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 80
Art & Culture
Unlike the vampire effect, the hired they represent to the people, unlike companies like Nike did in the case
gun problem is when you use a taking an actor to endorse these. Af- of Tiger Woods over his scandalous
celebrity who is already swamped ter having inferred that the celebrity extra marital cases, or as with Oscar
with many assignments of endors- does fit perfectly with the product/ Pistorius over the murder case of
ing different products. Rodger service the next thing is to ensure his girlfriend.
Federer is one such celebrity who that this individual has a low key As a big fan of celebrity endorse-
was endorsing brands such as Rolex, life style, which is not shady. This ment, the one that is stuck in my
Mercedes Benz, Lindt, amongst is because if you choose celebrities mind which l really enjoyed as an
other top brands. This celebrity en- whose names are constantly in the individual was that of Lionel Messi
dorsement will lose effect, because papers for the wrong reason, their when he endorsed the crispy chips,
the celebrity is firstly, overused and reputation might rub off onto your Lays. The advert was spot on for
secondly would be involved in your brand and put you in a worse state me as he enjoyed the chips through
advisements only for the money, not than you had been before. Another the advert. They used a soccer
for the love of the brand itself. This issue to take into mind is, do they legend, who has many fans all over
is because it is a common fact that have the love for your products? the globe over his prowess in the
celebrities make quick money out of Because, when you are in tandem, football pitch. Adding to that, the
endorsing brands. Therefore both they can do the job wholehearted- link with the chips is that whenever
the vampire effect and the hired ly with the purpose of wanting to we watch sports we would have a
gun problem are the downsides to achieve your common goal, unlike drink in hand and some snacks to
celebrity endorsement, which the if they are just doing it for the big go by so, there is a strong connec-
marketing team should really think bucks. A good example is of Eva tion between the celebrity used and
through first before they use these Longoria who endorses L’Oréal the product.
celebrities. The bottomline is that products of which she is a beauty
celebrity endorsement is a good queen really into facial cosmetics. At the same time, from what l know
strategy in marketing that will have At the same time, if possible you his character is low key, his name
more people, the followers of these should also consider taking upcom- hasn’t been necessarily dragged into
celebrities, coming through your ing celebrities or low key ones that mud over trivial things. Therefore
doors to buy your products and way the vampire effect issues will be celebrity endorsement can work for
services; like bees to flowers. Each vanquished for good. These are just you as if magic if done correctly to
company’s dream is to increase its pointers that the marketing team the letter.
market share and have more sales might want to look deep into before
for that alone is a good indication using celebrity endorsement.
that you are doing something right.
Thus when celebrity endorsement Nonetheless, celebrity endorsement
goes wrong this will be the begin- is a good way of getting people’s
ning of disaster with a capital letter attention to your brand. If it is done
D. To ensure that possible cases of right you will revel and marvel in
vampire effects and the hired gun the big returns but if it goes wrong,
effect do not take place, companies that becomes a big problem. That
should first screen the celebrities said, use celebrities that will do right
they have in mind. The screening and good by your brand to ensure
process should take into consider- it is recalled by your customers and
ation whether the celebrity matches potential ones. Marketing requires
their products and advertisement quick thinking and acting with the
message? If it is sports related then sole purpose of getting more sales
definitely athletes will be the way to and making your name a force to
go such as LeBron James or Mo- be reckoned with in the market. As
hamed Sala. Also athletes can be a result, do eye-catching adverts
used for products such as watches by professional celebrities who are
or cars, because they help represent serious in their dealings so that at
time consciousness and speed in the end of the day, you don’t end up
that order. Particularly in interpreta- pulling out from using them as the
tion, this has a direct link with what face of your brand like how many
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