Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 83
Then to make matters worse when
these brainwashed African originat-
ed people do “REALIZE” it, it is
too late as they are “locked in” tight
or too deep over their heads to cor-
rect the wrong they have done thus
often times leaving them to resort to
what I call defensive-denial strate-
gies for “Covering” up their wrong
sadly with again more wrong.
Thus, do please send my heartful
warmth to the person initialed “JS” These sick camera gleefully totting TAUGHT.
that you mentioned in your video as non interventionist “THINK” that
we need more people like him/her being the “ONE” to first POST the It is not something people claim-
understanding the true roots of the incident on gooTube that makes ing to be concerned about should
(what I call) African Development them some sort of quasi-HERO’S. be “only” TALKING about or
Conundrum. SINGING about as it needs to be
TAUGHT. In other words AC-
After all do not forget that being
Now THIRDLY: I noticed you gooTube stars is “TRENDY” for TIONED.
concluded with the “FAMILY” as those mentally/emotionally inade-
the bedrock of all values which in quate gooTube wanna be’s (just take These sick “CAMERA TOTTING”
an “IDEAL” world I totally under- a look at the stupidity and desper- living Dead were NEVER taught
stand and share your understanding ation for ATTENTION of those VALUES by their own parents so
that it should be the foundation for on gooTube) . They do not see why do you think they now (mag-
teaching and imbuing values and that what they are really unmasking ically) have the CAPABILITIES
appreciation of humans by humans.. to teach themselves or their own
about their own human make-up children hence forth?
or traits is a very deep seated SICK,
But there is nothing “IDEAL” mental and emotional, inadequacy
about the present world you and I of being within themselves when Like UNITY those who understand
were born into as this world for cen- they callously record events of this this weakness in humanity need
turies (a broad, critical and objective severity to post and care less for to find ways to get TEACHING
read of “European” History and intervention. humane values as something that
their associations/interactions with needs to be done practically both in
other groups/races clearly shows What I am trying to point out to a structured/organized manner and
this) has been, like you rightly point- you is that these SAME people are done en-mass for it to have meaning
ed out, both governed and steered (sadly) the same very people who and be effective (one or two persons
by the agendas of certain European make up a “FAMILY” unit. So you having/habituating humane value
descendent “Families” who sadly are have to ask yourself “...are these systems is meaningless as it has to
the ones for centuries that also be- the ones you “expect” will be able be the overwhelming majority of
hind constructing the very nefarious to pass on VALUES of importance the population having and doing it
and corrupt class-based system (we within their own immediate or ex- for it to be effective).
have presently) whimsically manip- tended “FAMILY” clusters?
ulating/controlling every facet of The INHERITED present day
human existence and events. I know this point is a bit hard for “education” system was simply a
You see, the “FAMILY” that you most to wrap their heads around but CONSTRUCT meant to extend the
referred to that SHOULD be the I hope you can wrap yours around colonial subservient mindset and
cornerstone to imbuing values into it. The Living Dead are the Living never constructed/intended for the
its members ITSELF is made up Dead: benefit of the people as it was creat-
of the same very SICK CAMERA ed rather to keep people in line and
gootube posting Wanna-Be living Just like UNITY the very notion of to maintain the power/governance
Dead people that live in a world of VALUE is something that MUST be structures in place.
“Heroism” ILLUSIONS.