Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 82
Note from an Afrikan in the
A Two Edged Sword That Can Help Afrika Rise
By Samuel Phillips
aving done this mag- Domestic and Social Violence and
azine publication for also add what we responded with. African originated people in respect
over two years now, we For, like I had already mentioned, of the ILLUSION of GOOD that
Hhave come to realize such feedback and responses help us both their mis-education and inher-
that some of the places through to learn and also re-emphasize our ited colonial value thinking-chain
which we re-learn and also get to thoughts. system that many people have been
re-emphasize the thoughts we share, indoctrinated with has led many to
are through the various feedback we Dear Chioma & Sam, end up being a strong PART of the
get from our readers. In this case, problem. Thus with them (knowing-
the particular feedback that I am Firstly, let me say your coverage of ly/unknowingly) ending up aiding
writing about now, is from one of such a complicated subject matter and abetting the evil doers (western
our Afrikan brothers in the diaspora was as usual excellent and I person- owned or funded “charities”, organi-
about a video we did recently. The ally must commend your efforts in zations, Medical personnel, religious
video was tittled: Domestic and doing so given the depth of such a institutions, so-called “philanthro-
Social Violence: The Pandemic We subject matter as it pertains to those pist”, international corporations,
Are Not Paying Attention To. who are labeled as “black” globally. large/medium businesses etc.) In
Secondly, the person you made the subtle destruction of Africa and
The video featured other feedback mention of by initials “JS” at the its people without actually realizing
we had for a video we did earlier. beginning of the video succinctly it while “thinking” that they were
So I am going to share below the pointed out some of the crucial and doing “GOOD”.
feedback we had for the video on root cause related challenges facing
82 | we tell the true afrikan story