Page 9 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 9


          more modern approach to farm-      what is coming, so they are running   diagnosis
          ing is wrong, I am saying that the   to go build cities in Mars. And that   I am currently reading two books
          practices and the approach towards   too, is a foolishness like no other.  written by Dr Robert S. Mendel-
          modern medicine and farming is                                        sohn MD, titled: MALE PRAC-
          doing more harm than good.         We have entered, in the past few de-  TICE: HOW DOCTORS MA-
                                             cades, a world where selling poison   NIPULATE WOMEN and the
          The truth is that, when capitalism   in the form of farm produce and   other one CONFESSIONS OF A
          entered into the health and farming   modern medicine is seen as devel-  MEDICAL HERETIC.
          sector, poison and deaths followed.   opment. All manner of sicknesses
          It is also very clear that when    and diseases are plaguing the world,   Dr Robert, in explaining an eu-
          greed and capitalism entered into   but instead of us stopping to see   phemism, which he called creative
          spirituality, falsehood and religious   clearly and dealing with the causes   diagnosis medical practice among
          madness followed. To the point     of these abnormalities, which exist   modern day doctors, described the
          where it’s now very difficult for the   mostly because of the shift away   indefensible behaviors of doctors
          unsuspecting to tell the difference   from natural laws and patterns,   who keep themselves busy by find-
          between what is real and what is   which we have done in the name     ing diseases where none exist. In his
          fake in our religious gatherings.   of science. Now, we keep spend-   words, he said “They do it by redefining
          When modernity and Hollywood       ing more money producing more      the norms of  health and sickness and
          lifestyle TV shows entered into    chemical based food and medicines.   employing other deceptions to create an
          the family sanctuary, separations,   We are slowly killing ourselves and   artificial need for the services and those
          divorces, broken homes followed.   destroying the earth that God gave   of  their wondrous machines. Their eager
          To the point where most of the role   us as home.                     allies in the medical industrial complex
          models that our kids follow on so-                                    are the drug companies, the equipment
          cial media are men and women with    Thus, with all the billions and   manufacturers, the testing laboratories and
          multiple divorces and uncountable   trillions of dollars expended for   even those friendly folks who manufacture
          and perverse sex scandals. They    health care globally, more diseases   infant fomular and canned baby food.”
          have become the army of influenc-  keep showing up, even while the
          ers that the minds of our young    world is still battling the old ones.   He compared modern medicine
          people are turned towards. When    Should such things not make us     to an assembly line for General
          social media and increase in tech-  sit down and reason together that   Motors, that when the assembly
          nology happened, depression, sui-  something somewhere is not right   line is not running, then it’s not
          cides and self-hate also increased.  and definitely, something is not   paying for itself. The need to keep
                                             working in our favor? And, for     the beds full and the machines busy
          All of these issues beg the question:    that reason, stop and make a new   is at the top priority of the hospi-
          when are we going to stop and      path that works for our lives and   tals’ administrators, well ahead of
          take a look at modernity from an   the health of the next generation?   sanitation, safety and medical care.
          unbiased perspective and see how it   The fact is that, whether we want   He spoke about the beauty of the
          is mostly a created delusion to keep   to agree or not, most farm produce   not too long ago medical sector, in
          the world bound to the ideologies   that uses some of these deadly    which doctors were known for care,
          of a few puppeteers who have       chemicals has the ability to transfer   sympathy and genuine compassion
          mastered the art of manipulation   the poison from parents to their   for their patients.
          of human realities in order to create   unborn children. They are genera-
          a sheep generation of people who   tional in their making, in that, the   In his words, he said “The family
          cannot think for themselves.       chemicals in the food you eat have   physician was willing to spend time with
                                             the ability to stay in your genes and   those who sought his help, listening to their
          To be fair to technology and       then transfer to your unborn kids.   woes, getting to know them and providing
          modernity, it’s not all bad news   That alone should make us fear and   comfort as well as advice. He cured a lot
          and evil, but the cumulative con-  think. But no. Capitalism and greed   of  ailments with doses of  sympathy, kind-
          sequences of the direction we are   for more money has taken over the   ness, reassurances and plain old-fashioned
          headed with the use of modernity   minds and hearts of many and most   common sense. Doctors were not yet the
          and technology, will leave us very   people are suffering for it.     captives of  the drug company detail men,
          stranded in the very nearest future.                                  so the toxic chemicals now sold by the ton
          Maybe the “big boys” are aware of   The modern day creative           was rarely used.” Mind you, he wrote

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