Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 12


          currently benefit from in its pursuit
          of integrated sustainable develop-
          ment, knowledge and philosophy.
          The proverb intervenes in discourse
          to air a thought, to sum up public
          opinion, to clarify a point, to spur a
          debate, or to bring humor to serious
          matters. However, among all, the
          philosophy of Ubuntu-as-Unity is

          For the African continent, which has
          always been said by the white man
          to be devoid of culture, proverbs
          are cultural vehicles and windows   Ubuntu, with an emphasis on social   Gikuyu say Gutiri ciira wa kimwem-
          through which it is possible to cast   cohesion, giving rise to an empow-  we (Judgment knows no discrimi-
          a look at the Africans’ world-view.   ering reconceptualization of what it   nation). Both proverbs emphasize
          They are also marked as African    means to be an African, as embod-  the fairness and impartiality when
          treasures, for they hold pure, indige-  ied in the term – Ubuntu-as-Unity.   settling the disputes. Discrimination
          nous, African-lived experiences and   Again, Ubuntu philosophy is seen   among the suspected offenders
          intuitions, knowledge and values,   on issues of humanity, for example,   was greatly discouraged. Emphasis
          philosophy and principles that Afri-  ‘Kugara hunzwana’, which means   was on the intensity of the crime
          can societies can benefit from. They   ‘living together, calls for peaceful   and not to harbor grudges against
          tell what it means to be African,   co-existence’. The Shona peo-     suspects. See how the ether has
          because Africa is the birthplace of   ple of Zimbabwe, (on behalf of   changed, nowadays cases are settled
          humankind and knowing its history   other African societies) place unity   by spear and blasts of guns, being
          is essential.                      and humanity at the centre of the   poor is a crime and being rich puts
                                             universe and construct everything   one above the law. For whose inter-
          It is clear from these proverbs that   around the person. It is the wisdom   est is Africa serving?
          African philosophy socializes people   that promotes solidarity and harmo-
          to think about others in society.   ny in human relationships, with the   The African spirit of communality
          Success and failure are viewed col-  sense of humanism.               is maintained through the extension
          lectively and not on individual basis.                                of hospitality to others. As a virtue,
          Similarly, problems are resolved   The philosophy of Ubuntu man-      communality  encourages mutual
          through consultation with the elders   ifests itself in issues of diligence,   assistance among the people. The
          playing a leading role. Modern soci-  whose ultimate goal is self-reliance.   philosophy of Ubuntu here believes
          ety could benefit from this approach   The key aspect of self-reliance is the   that Individualism has to be pursued
          by revitalizing components of the   ownership of natural resources by   within the matrix of the welfare of
          African thinking, which celebrates   indigenous people of a nation, the   the society which resultantly brings
          the collective, as opposed to individ-  most important being the land. The   honor and pride to the society.
          ualism.                            land is the basis of the people’s ma-  “Individualism is accepted when it
          Africa is well known for being a land   terial life. It is the backbone of the   correlates with societal aspirations.
          of peace, but that cannot be cher-  national economy and is, as a result,   Everybody has a role to play in
          ished without acknowledging the    a very important natural resource.   communal obligations but they also
          contribution of African proverbs,   In short, life comes from the land   have private lives. The individual,
          which are the vehicles of wisdom.   and its exploitation is essential for   therefore, has to strike a balance
          African proverbs are a vital compo-  human social advancement.        between the claims of individual-
          nent of the indigenous knowledge   In the administration of justice,   ity and communality because the
          systems of Africans, as they can be   leaders were not expected to use   individual welfare and communal
          used to resolve conflict at both the   violence or to intimidate dispu-  welfare are not exclusionary entities.
          micro and macro levels of society. It   tants. This is why they say Mhosva   For example, the Ndebele proverb
          has further been revealed that prov-  haitongwi nepfumo (A case is not   says “Unyawo alulampumulo” (the
          erbs incorporate the philosophy of   settled by a spear). Related to this,   foot has no rest) which means that

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