Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 15
ronment. We can’t blame a child for party agendas. Such leaders are not in every profession, have to perform
acting wrongly, when it is from us the sort of pathfinders our country our work to the best of our ability.
that the child picked up the action. needs to lift the burdens of poverty A country that has more political
Sadly, most of us have the audacity from the people. commentators and protestors than
to blame street children, who are or- industrious people will undoubt-
phans or displaced people and who Just as magicians trick us into ac- edly suffer in poverty. It is wise to
are the outcome of social and polit- cepting deceptions as reality, adults remember that poverty is not always
ical instability, for the way they act and leaders, in particular, have made the cause of social unrest, but an
and live. I say we have lost that priv- us lose our grasp of reality. This outcome. It is argued in Metron’s
ilege when we ignored and passed makes it is necessary to identify the strain theory that, “Children raised
them on the street, while they cried required features of a pathfinder. in poverty, for example, may see
for our help and when they begged I think, the basic values required little hope of becoming successful if
for guidance. Every time we look at to be called a wise adult or a true they ‘play by the rules’. As a result,
them with contempt, or deny their leader, are, among other things, they may seek wealth through one
existence with our indifference, we moral integrity and industriousness. or another kind of crime.” Accord-
are feeding them hatred towards the Having moral integrity can simply ingly, we need leaders that spend
world. We do not have to look any mean practicing the seven virtues: more time doing the necessary work,
further to find them: they are our prudence, justice, temperance, cour- leaders who engage in activities that
neighbors, they live near garbage age, faith, hope and charity. Hope is benefit the people economically,
disposals struggling for survival, probably the most important and es- than in propaganda that politically
and they shine shoes, sell all sorts sential element for any nation. And benefits themselves. This, in turn,
of things, just to make it to the next this is fostered by collective toler- will prevent social unrest that orig-
day, struggle to buy basic necessities, ance, trust, and unity towards a sim- inates from poverty. Furthermore,
etc. With a selfish and individualistic ilar goal. A study by Willis showed our leaders have to rule by adhering
mentality, we can even manage to that “poorer children often grow up to the rule of law instead of public
forget their existence. But such ne- in an environment where people see opinion and partiality. Children also
glect is not expected from the wise little hope of upward social mo- respect adults that spend their day
adult. We can assume our responsi- bility and rebel against the system working, than those who frequent
bility only extends to our own chil- rather than try to conform to it. In leisurely activities.
dren and relatives. However, this is such an environment, adults often
not expected from wise grown-ups! discourage rather encourage success In the end, I don’t think we the
in school.” When adults frequently people act this way because we are
Just as every adult is responsible for indulge in riots, the children lose oblivious to the hard truth. I think
children, intellectuals and leaders hope for the future; but when adults we act this way because we find it
are also expected to be exemplary work in harmony, the children will easier. It is easier to hate than to
towards their people. As pathfind- see bright prospects in the future. love; and it is easier to hit or insult
ers, our leaders should be worthy of The people can learn these virtues a child than to raise one. This is
respect. The respect they demand when their leaders possess and show simply because love and compas-
from the people should not be won them in their actions, and children sion require constant effort and
by verbal virtuosity, a kind of soph- develop them when they observe it we refuse to take the initiative. In
istry in which they redress reality in the adults around them. closing, I think we should remember
to make it fit their agenda. When one fact: it is never the fault of any
a leader takes the sufferings of the Industriousness is also a necessary child but the adult. No child chose
people to make it a class or race component, especially in develop- to come to this world; we made the
struggle, they are deceiving the peo- ing countries like Ethiopia. All the choice for them. This makes us re-
ple. When activists use present pov- speeches our leaders give amount to sponsible to be their pathfinders. We
erty and unemployment as an ethnic nothing when there is no tangible should provide solace and ease their
problem to rally the youth against work done to solve the problems. burden. To return to the African
their fellow citizens, it is a mark of Poverty cannot be fought with mere philosophy of Ubuntu, it takes a vil-
evil. The various political parties, words, when actual work is in want. lage or a nation to raise a child, and
including the ruling party, have often I do not think it is arguable to say if the pathfinders destroy the village,
used the people as a means or tools that we need to work and be indus- the future becomes futile for the
to champion their personal and trious in every endeavor. All of us, existing and subsequent generations.