Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 19
EARN MATTERS shelves of the large retailers – only
Chioma Phillips to fail shorty after purchase, to
earn repeat purchases; retailers who
demand impossible perfection from
suppliers of food products – food
that will endure and look good for
nteresting how, sometimes, by the governments that they hand longer – at the expense of health.
the biggest donors in church it over to – but more concerned As for the bankers who like to keep
are the ones who receive the about the bonuses they will get from their customers on the debt hook
Imost honor from the church serving the interests of their bosses as opposed to empowering them
administration. They are given seats well. Such diligence, right? to actually grow, those are the real
in prominent places, sometimes geniuses. They convince you to take
having their names engraved on It is so great how farmers will spray a loan or a credit card for something
those seats – or even being cele- every single ounce of toxic chem- you would be better off working
brated during the course of the icals that they can find onto their for gradually, and when you default
church program of the day by being crops, that their harvests will be as – they simply descend on you with
mentioned specifically for what they green as green can be (or red, or the fury of demons who have come
have done. Rarely, if ever, will the purple, or orange) and can fetch to claim your soul. Because, after all,
church that is receiving the money the highest price in the market they cannot lose their money! It’s
query the sources of those funds. from selling poisons – that they fantastic, isn’t it?
This is how it is possible for private themselves would not touch with a
thugs, or those in public office to ten-foot pole, nor let their families Then there are government officers
pay huge sums of money to church- consume. No, they have a separate like presidents, prime ministers,
es with barely a question asked. All organic crop for that. Never mind senators, governors, members of
their sins suddenly washed away, the long-term effects it will have on parliament, ministers and other pub-
and a place of honor in the church. their customers … But as long as lic officials, who are paid like clock-
Wonderful, right? they are be dancing all the way to work, salaries extracted from the
the bank, that’s good enough for ev- labor of the breaking backs of those
It is a curiosity that tax collectors eryone, because we have to celebrate straining to make ends meet because
in government agencies receive their commitment towards feeding of unfair policies they created. They
bonuses from taxes collected from their nations. Don’t you agree… that take the money without any remorse
tightening the screws on the citizen- it’s great? and come back again to demand yet
ry, who are already struggling under more. These guys are the best, aren’t
financial and other social pressures It is wonderful how developed they?
and burdens. Using every weapon in Afrika is becoming with all these
their arsenal, they coerce, terrify and gigantic private companies special- Well, if you don’t agree that all of
bully the tax payers into remitting izing in finance and manufacturing this is great, wonderful, fascinating,
something – not interested in how and retail! With manufacturers who fantastic or that these guys are the
the tax payers get the money, or how do all to ensure that their prod- best… why do they keep getting
the money that they collect is wasted ucts last as long as they can on the your support?