Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 21
2001, the British government had of Zimbabwe on compensating
asked him for permission to invade white farmers.
Zimbabwe, illustrating that regime
change, by all means, was a standing Moreover, a clause that seeks to
agenda of the west. force Zimbabweans to take a loan
that they can’t afford, to compensate
According to a Wikileaks leak of people who were unjustly enriched
a conversation between the US by colonialism, or by buying prop-
government and MDC, Chamisa erty stolen during colonialism and
asked the US government to invade never returned to the people, was
Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare: Zimbabwe if ZANU PF refused to never in the public interest (as the
accept the GNU https://wikileaks. constitution enjoins laws to be).
Born in Zimbabwe but he lives in
South Africa. org/plusd/cables/09HARARE38_a.
html. So, that constitutional point is not
He studied marketing and project It’s clear from the above irrefutable a product of the people, but it was
management, but now works as a evidence that coercion, duress and forced upon COPAC (Constitution
full time Afrikan social engineer. His threat of force were the reasons that Parliamentary Committee) negotia-
life’s creed is captured in his words: the GNU happened in Zimbabwe. tors, by MDC members of COPAC
“As a man I seek to die having ful- who came to power by a human
filled my destiny to humanity, So, Zimbabweans were criminally rights crime; pressure from the UN,
not having consumed much.” coerced by both illegal sanctions by the west, western sponsored NGOs
He can be reached at iamrutendo@ the west (crimes against humanity, and the threat that western sanctions
which punished people to force (crimes against humanity) would not
them to vote for MDC) and then be removed.
they were forced by the threat of
niently forgetting that the Zim- military action to accept a unity I am sure, the report of the UN
babwean people had been getting government that enabled MDC will interrogate whether Zimbabwe-
killed, displaced, deprived and (people who terrorized their way an elections have been the will of
injured by the crime against human- into power) to contribute to the the people under the coercion of
ity of sanctions for 7 years prior creation of our supreme law (2013 sanctions and threat of war, ema-
to the elections, giving his party an constitution), which is now contest- nating from the same regime change
advantage. ed today because of a lack of public agenda of the sanctions.
Accordingly, the elections were held consensus. And, if the UN proves that the
as scheduled and Morgan lost. Right sanctions, which are crimes against
here, the issue of elections was set- As a consequence, in 2018, Zimba- humanity, got MDC into power by
tled legally, by a legitimate plebiscite bweans were flabbergasted when duress, it would mean that MDC
in which Mugabe won even after they discovered that their constitu- were in the GNU through a crime
machinations to make it difficult for tion mandated that they had to com- against humanity and thus the cur-
ZANU PF to win. pensate white farmers (with $3.5bil rent 2013 constitution was a product
of debt) for developments white of crime.
But, the Elders: Mandela, Gracia farmers had made on stolen land.
and Koffi Annan came to Harare The reason Zimbabweans were This would also mean that white
and met Gideon Gono after Mug- flabbergasted by this was they never farmer compensation must be halt-
abe refused to see them. knew that their constitution required ed because it might turn out to be
them to compensate white farmers illegal, after all, as the constitution
The Elders would then demand that for developments on stolen land, yet mandating it is a product of a crime
Mugabe create a unity government black Zimbabweans never got their against humanity.
or else they would submit a report land returned or reparations for 90
to the UN Security Council that years of colonialism oppression. We should also then debate if MDC
NATO would then use to intervene are not criminally liable for using a
militarily in Zimbabwe, Libyan style, This is a clear illustration that there crime against humanity to terrorize,
with or without UN support. was never consensus ad idem (a deprive and kill Zimbabweans for
Thabo Mbeki also said that in meeting of the minds) by the people power.