Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 17
Honorable, Excellency, Lord, that they do it to secure their positions • Allowing their constituents to
are empty of everything except the and titles for as long as they pos- be raped;
hot air of pride that they aim to sibly can, knowing that they are as • Endorsing and/or turning
fill people’s heads with. They lack dispensable as toilet paper. To their a blind eye to violence used
meaning and truth. Titles that were minds, their only value is their ability against citizens by instruments
originally handed out by so-called to say yes, toe the party line and of state;
royalty to other so-called royalty, or leverage that for what they consider • Using crises as opportunities to
those deemed suitable to be ranked to be a suitable exchange; i.e., the self-promote and self-advance,
among the ‘elite’, not so much be- price of their souls. I mean, why put your name and
cause of an excellency of character face on sanitary towels for girls
or comportment. In other words, So, to their list of ‘honorable who cannot afford them, really?;
it’s just an empty title and the kind achievements’ we can add the fol- • Allowing their friends to rob
of title that was created to create lowing true and painful stories: their countries’ coffers and then
elitism not to determine true honor turning a blind eye or pretend-
or character… and it is part of a • Shooting innocent civilians ing they do not know who did
system that enforces and enhances because they can; it;
exactly that. • Impregnating women outside of • Using state instruments to
their marriages and then arrang- threaten judges as well as private
So, with the foolishness of the ing for their murders; citizens – or using the ‘justice’
foundation of these titles, men and • Stealing money from public system to jail and intimidate po-
women stepped (or step) into posi- funds; litical rivals or private citizens;
tions of power, not because they are • Passing bills and laws that put • Using the media to spread lies
the best people for the jobs but be- citizens under great – yet avoid- about their political rivals in
cause somebody somewhere wanted able – financial stress; order to manipulate the minds
them on their side and in a place of • Murdering people and stealing of millions;
influence for when they are needed. their land; • Jailing and torturing political
This could be a private company or • Creating hours of horrible rivals or innocent civilians who
individual that sponsored their cam- traffic jams for their people, challenge them;
paign, or someone who was running because they are on the move • Allowing criminals to run free
for a higher office who wanted to and need the paths clear for and to murder and terrorize
ensure that they had a team of peo- themselves; their constituencies because
ple in places like parliament or the • Refusing to take responsibility they want to gain some kind of
senate or a gubernatorial position for crimes committed by their political mileage from it;
who they could turn to during the officials under their watch, • Allowing their citizens to be
moments when they needed the choosing instead to point poisoned by pharmaceutical and
political mileage to push a policy or fingers and act like helpless agricultural products, and turn-
a law through – or shield themselves victims; ing a blind eye, while lining their
from impeachment. Meaning that • Allowing their citizens to be pockets with bribes from those
they stepped into these jobs not for ruled by foreign agents, by pass- with interests in pushing these
the purpose of public service, to ing policies that have come due products in their countries;
the constituents and citizens who to duress that they would rather • Using cars and choppers that
had voted them in, but for purposes not do the work to fight off; are more expensive than the
of awaiting that day when a favor • Blaming their citizens for the money needed to repair the
was going to be called in. They are problems in the country; roads and the schools of the
puppets in the hands of puppeteers • Licensing fast food companies very people they say they rep-
and not useful for the betterment and their products which affect resent;
of their people. Their stomachs are the health of their citizens
their gods. negatively; The list goes on and on, but in sum-
• Cutting deals with foreign mary, they are liars in fine clothes
They do it not to serve a people or governments that put their own and corruption lies in their bosom at
a purpose greater than themselves, countries and citizens at major all times...
they do it not to transform and im- disadvantage;
prove their societies or communities, • Raping their constituents; These people are guilty of commit-