Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 18
ting selfish, short-sighted, evil, hate- babies in dirty diapers, feeling cool
ful and murderous acts against the that they are “leaders”, but they
very people they are sworn to serve, are actually unfruitful to the people
empower and uplift. Taking short- that elected them and thus they are
cuts to benefit themselves and their fools in fine suits. The shame of the
families and then daring to go back members of parliament and mem-
to the electorate every four or five bers of the senate and other organs
years to seek another term in office of government, who sit at the helm
for them to continue raping and pil- of affairs of our beautiful Afrika.
laging or permitting the raping and
pillaging of their nations. No shame, They think that they cannot be
no guilt, no remorse! They are men seen or that they are untouchable,
and women without HONOR. they think that they are deserving
of those seats because they bought
“A man who is in honor”, says the them through the money they spent
bible, “yet does not understand, Is like the on bags of flour and sugar that they
beasts that perish.” (See Psalm 49:20.) doled out during campaign seasons,
or through cooperating with the
These people who have chosen the party line handed down by their par-
low road, who have chosen to abuse ty leader. The sense of entitlement
their offices, abuse their authority that they walk around with is stifling
and abuse their mandate are no and they spread that death around
worse than beasts. Animals. They to their nations and regions, blinded
are mindless, lacking in wisdom or to the truth that they are nothing
even the most basic form of under- but carriers of death, and not life.
standing or knowledge because they They have chosen to live like beasts.
have taken what was deserving of They are fully aware of their com-
respect, i.e., the trust of their posi- promise but instead choose to mask
tions of honor, and they have made it with fake donations made only for
a rubbish of them. Making a public the purposes of photo opportuni-
display of their own dishonor to- ties and tweets to create the appear-
wards their people and the positions ance of loving, caring, hardworking
that they were entrusted with, they and effective public service. It was
have stated with their lives, to those never about love and compassion.
watching that they think nothing of It was about personal glorification
them and that they will continue in and honor. It is all an act, a carefully
foolishness because they think that laid out conmanship, designed to
they are superior to others. Hiding win public favor and more leverage.
their stench of evil under wigs of A terrifying choice indeed befitting
public pretense and sunglasses of of men and women WITHOUT
deception, when the insides of their HONOR.
hearts are nothing but disease-rid-
dled, death-filled organs. But the thing is, such stories of
indisciplined and dishonorable men
They are without honor because and women who paint themselves
they lack the understanding of why with the make-up of “leaders” don’t
they are in position and their hearts usually end well, for where there
and purposes for seeking leader- is corruption, there is disease and
ship positions were never about death. For the laws of nature do
service, but about self-enrichment not lie and whatever a man sows,
and pride. They love the praises of the same thing shall they reap...and
self and worship that they get from MORE.
men. They run around like overfed
18 | we tell the true afrikan story