Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 23
Health & Healing
I think that Bauval introduces us to and by itself, is a miniature universe. were the first on earth to discover
the complicated nature of the con- the star Sirius A, in their ancient
nection between the spiritual world The Human Body and Its Connec- quest to know who they are, but
and the material world, as developed tion with the Cosmic Order. more importantly, to know how are
so uniquely by ancient Egyptians. At the material level, the eight they connected to cosmic order.
Of course, in the ancient Egyptian chambers of the human brain are Their creation myth, for example,
book, The Book of the Dead, we symbolized by the labyrinth. The reflects the nuances of cutting-edge
are educated a lot about this con- eighth chamber of the human brain scientific cosmology, and finally this
nection. For example, the flooding corresponds to the to the Bull of scientific knowledge is being recog-
of the Nile, from June to September Heaven, while the remaining seven nized universally.
was neatly and precisely connected chambers correspond to the seven Secondly, all human beings have the
to the Orion and Sirius stars. But Pleides or circumpolar stars. At the Third Eye or Pineal gland that is
more than that, the Pyramids of physical level, the Bull of Heaven situated on the forehead, between
Giza were also built in such a way corresponds to the zodiac while the the two eyes. Some ancient Kemets
that they are connected to the Orion remaining Seven Cows correspond used to refer to this eye as the Eye
and Sirius stars. This signifies the to the seven outer planets. The of Ra. This gland is connected also
connection between the cosmology labyrinth was used to bring brain to some celestial bodies, including
and culture of the human beings into harmony with the nerve centre Sirius A star.
and the cosmic order. of the universe and the eight gods
Therefore, ‘Bu’ stands for Material- that are symbolized by the Bull and The Seven Chakras in Our Bodies
ism, and ‘Ntu’ stands for Spiritual- Seven Cows of Heaven as well as and Cycles on the Milky Way
ism. If there is connection between the eight spheres of heaven. These This energy connection between
our solar system and our human consist of the zodiac and the seven humans and some of the stars pro-
bodies, then there is definitely a outer planets that link the zodiac vide a channel through which the
connection between materialism and with the earth and humanity. spirit of our Creator god enters into
spiritualism, which in this case is our inner selves. This is how NTU
Bu + Ntu = Buntu. Contrary to the In Kemet (ancient Egypt), the youth gets into our inner bodies, with
current belief, this signifies the fact and children were taught to trace an aim to control and direct us as
that there is a connection between the path of the labyrinth, as part of humans. This should not be surpris-
the spiritual world and material their mental or intellectual develop- ing because humans, actually come
world. The two worlds are interde- ment. from the star Sirius. Our spiritual
pendent. In essence, what is meant here nature comes from the star Sirius.
is that there should be a balance That’s why ‘Bu’ stands for our outer
On the other hand, Mathole K. between the Mind and the Body. material side and ‘Ntu’ stands for
Motshekga in his The Path to There should be a balance between our inner spiritual side. The Kemets
Self-knowledge, (October 2012) ar- the Spirit, Thought/Soul and Word. never made a mistake of separating
gues that the spiritual body consists This means that the human per- the ‘ka’ and the ‘ba’, i.e. the body
of the ethereal or quintessential sonality should be integrated within and spirit. When we talk of the ele-
element, while the material body itself and into the living organism ment of godliness in ourselves, we
consists of the four elements of wa- that is the universe because dishar- actually refer to this.
ter, fire, earth and air. The spiritual mony within the physical causes dis- Each one of us is equipped with an
part must abide by the Moral Law harmony within the spiritual world. infinitely powerful cosmic antenna
(Ubuntu in isiNguni) that it inher- In our human bodies we have 7 in the centre of our brain. This Eye
ited on its descent to the material energy centres called chakras. These allows us to directly connect to the
world, while the physical body must energy centres are connected to spirits in the sky. It has the ability
abide by the material laws. some of our few celestial bodies to sense light in complete darkness,
(stars), such as the Milky Way, Sirius manifest full colour imagined, and
The human body is a microcosmic A, Sirius B, etc. speak to you through emotion or
image of the macrocosmic universe. Such energy comes from these feelings.
The macro-microsmic relationship celestial bodies and that is why the
is expressed in the Law of Analogy Dogon people of Mali, here in Our ancient forefathers (Kemets)
that maintains, As Above, So Below. Africa, who migrated from Kemet worshiped the Sun. In their view
This means that the human body, on (ancient Egypt) in ancient times, all energy and spirit came from