Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 25

Health & Healing

                                                                                cans also has to deal with the added
                                                                                burden of imported religions that
                                                                                have been adapted to justify slavery,
                                                                                colonialism, and the superiority of
                                                                                one race over others.
                                                                                The ever attempted negation of
                                                                                Ubuntu philosophy is an attempt
                                                                                to thwart an African project of
                                                                                self-discovery and African Renais-
                                                                                sance. It is a strategy to thwart
                                                                                African self-knowledge programme,
          we do not delve into its meaning.   and nature. I am talking here about   with an aim to perpetuate colonial-
          We have not been able to analyse   human beings, not just only Afri-  ity/modernity, which embraces the
          and critique this maxim properly   kans.                              logic of oppression and exploita-
          and fully. The essence of Ubuntu/  Therefore, NTU, the creator        tion.
          Maat (Uqobo in my indigenous lan-  goddess of divinity/spirituality
          guage) will emerge and be realized   is equivalent to Neith (an ancient   Currently the knowledge we are
          when scholars give it its unique and   Egyptian version of Ubuntu, other-  consuming simultaneously, as Afri-
          multi-dimensional seriousness it de-  wise, in present day and age, known   cans, is a combination of both Af-
          serves. The path to self-knowledge   as MAAT). It is also equal to PO   rican and European epistemologies,
          is a challenge to all those who do   (an egg of creation), which is both   which leaves us all, including the
          research on human personality.     a Dogon and Maori equivalent of    generations to come, confused and
          Ubuntu, in reality, is a universal di-  NTU. This on its own, represents   half empty. We end up not consum-
          vine law that is connected to cosmic   an element of universality of NTU,   ing properly what is ours, and not
          order and nature. As a result it easily   rather an exclusively African con-  consuming properly what is foreign,
          resonates with the IKS (Indigenous   cept.                            and as such we do not fully know
          Knowledge Systems) because IKS     Ntu is the divine being. Humanity is   any of the two combined episte-
          is embedded in nature and cosmic   One. Ntu is a divine spark. It is the   mologies, hence we have become
          order, for nature and cosmic order   Word of God Ptah. It manifests it-  neither fish nor foul.
          are one, hence As above, So below.    self to Higher Beings. The universe
          This resonates with the ancestral   is One. And humanity is one of its   The principal challenge is to sift
          spirits, who are connected to the   integral parts. Ubuntu is the glue   what is exogenous from what is
          cosmic order, nature and human     that holds humanity and the various   indigenous, for if we do not do that,
          beings, and to ignore this is to   parts of the universe together (how   an ‘other thought’ (which is African)
          lose the significance of Ubuntu.   does it do that?). The human per-  is ever trapped in modernity/colo-
          But more importantly, they are     sonality (Ubuntu) is a spiritual and   niality, which ever seeks to destroy
          also connected to our indigenous   material being.                    what is African/Third World.
          knowledge systems. Therefore, they                                    Modernity puts everything in one
          are ubiquitous or omnipresent and   Conclusion                        highway that is being patrolled and
          omniscient. One of the duties of   The racist claim that Ubuntu is    guarded by gate-keepers, making
          our ancestral spirits is to foster and   primitive, archaic and non-universal   sure that ‘other thoughts’ do not
          promote Ubuntu within the living   needs to be rejected with the con-  cross the borders and contaminate
          (those left behind), relatives and the   tempt it deserves. This is one of the   what is theirs. African indigenous
          entire community, as God’s angels.   ways to silence and relegate African   knowledges, right now, do not cross
          The living are deeply connected to   epistemologies to barbarian and   such borders, and as such, they are
          the departed ones.                 primitive margins.                 ever relegated and museumized by
          This broadened definition reveals                                     the colonialist gate-keepers. The
          the connection between the Cosmic   Africa faces the challenges of    rightful owners of such trapped
          Order and nature, between human    racism, sexism, patriarchy, tribalism,   and diluted indigenous knowledges,
          beings and the Cosmic nature, and   and religious intolerance. These are   Ubuntu included, as a consequence,
          between human beings and nature.   vices that create conflicts and negate   lose their identity and pride in them-
          In short, humans everywhere are an   social cohesion, nation-building,   selves.
          integral part of the Cosmic Order   and economic development. Afri-

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 17 | NOVEMBER 2021      25
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