Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
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          globalists. Sometimes it can feel   simply by creating them ourselves?   around you without succumbing to
          like every last ounce of our resil-  With sheer determination and     emotional or social stress. No, that
          ience has not only been tested, but   commitment to succeed, no matter   action does not absolve the gov-
          drained until there is absolutely   what? What if we could redefine   ernment from its responsibility or
          nothing left. Increasing cases of   ourselves, our families and homes,   failure to perform, but what it does
          suicide, domestic violence and mur-  our communities, nations and con-  is remind you and others that the
          der, child abuse and other forms of   tinent – by pushing back against the   power to actually change things rests
          social violence indicate a society that   lies that have held us bound for so   with you, not a faceless, nameless
          is under intense strain, and threat-  many generations? Now, wouldn’t   bureaucrat in an office somewhere
          ening to succumb altogether to the   that be an amazing and worthwhile   who is not keen to manage his or
          ungodly pressures that they face on   use of our time, physical, emotional   her responsibilities well, or a Mem-
          a daily basis.                     and spiritual energy? What if we   ber of Parliament who only values
                                             could just say “you know what, I   you when it is time for him or her to
          With all the chaos and confusion   am tired of wasting my life waiting   try to get your vote.
          around us, it is easy to remain    for that big break, let me just do the
          focused on what appears to be the   closest things I can, with the much   Do Your Little is a reminder of
          cause of our pain: the government,   or little that I have right now.”  social responsibility that requires
          the Bretton Woods Institutions,                                       you to get out of the little universe
          multinational corporations, big    That’s what Do Your Little is all   that you have created around you
          pharma, big agriculture, big finance,   about. Taking our eyes of the seem-  and to see what is really going on
          a corrupt police and justice system,   ingly overwhelming mountain of so-  in the society, to care about it and
          poisonous food crops, crazy econo-  cial pressure that surrounds us and   its significance to you, your family
          my and so on. It is easy to do so, but   focusing on one thing or two things   and the entire community and to
          doing so only limits our reality to   that we can do to change things   find a way to do your part to resolve
          focus on things that do not actually   within or around us. For example,   things. So, if your part is knocking
          determine our identity, purpose or   instead of repeatedly asking the   on your neighbor’s door during
          destiny. They certainly can serve as   government to step in and rectify   lockdown to find out whether they
          impediments, but impediments are   a problem with the sewage in your   have food that night or not and
          only ever meant to be overcome     community, when you are being      offering to share something to help
          – even as we use them to triumph   repeatedly ignored – find that young   push them through to the next
          over the darkness of the soul, to   engineering graduate and work out   day, then do that. Many people are
          gain victory over our own weak-    a solution that can help keep your   giving in to despair because they do
          nesses and fears. Focusing on them   environment clean and healthy for   not know where else to turn. But,
          actually becomes the one thing that   you and everyone else around you.   instead of finding your neighbor’s
          prevents us from looking beyond    It is not something that necessarily   lifeless body hanging from the ceil-
          the challenges to the opportunities   takes cash to solve, because in your   ing one morning, because they could
          that exist DESPITE the challenges.   midst you may have someone who   not hold on for one more moment,
          This is one of the things that has   owns and runs a hardware shop,   perhaps your intervention – will be
          kept Afrika down and bound.        some able-bodied men and women     the reason why this person regains
                                             who are willing to do the manual   hope and is able to push forward
          But what if we could do things     labor to get things cleaned up, some   with renewed zeal, just because
          differently? Think differently? Talk   taxi or matatu drivers who are will-  somebody (i.e., you) took the time
          differently? Relate differently? Love   ing to foot the bill for rudimentary   to check on them – even though you
          differently? Teach differently? Act   road repairs once the area has dried   might have felt this was an incon-
          differently? Take back control of   off, and so on. And, even if you end   venience. One woman in Marsabit
          our lives in some way that helps to   up being the only one working on   who cared enough to find out more
          restore our sense of dignity, that   the solution for the sewage in your   about a young mother living with
          helps us to reconnect with our     community – you will not only have   an old woman was able to save both
          identities, destinies and purposes?   made a difference within yourself by   her and her infant child from death,
          What if, despite all the pain and the   resolving something you were frus-  just by asking a question. That’s how
          torment that we have suffered, we   trated about, but you will also have   this works. That’s how immediate
          could actually find light, hope and   demonstrated to your community   the results can be.
          joy in the circumstances we are in,   that it is possible to resolve issues

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 17 | NOVEMBER 2021     29
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