Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 33
Health & Healing
identifies synthetic estrogen and healthy alternative is available.
as a class 1 carcinogen (the NFP not only allows women to
same category as cigarettes and avoid consumption of often dan-
asbestos). gerous drugs, it is often used to help
• Stroke risk is higher for users identify health problems that only
of oral contraception, with come to light when paying close
studies showing a 50% to 300% attention to fertility.
higher rates. The Physician’s
Desk Reference states it “is well For example, the Creighton Model
established” that blood clots of fertility awareness has a long and
Happy Couple are a significant risk for women growing track record of identifying
who use oral contraception, signs of underlying and previously
and the FDA warned in 2012 untreated conditions, and women’s
that the newest generation of lives are being changed by their
When using the Sympto-Thermal oral contraceptives carries a 2-3 diagnosis and treatment.
Method, a woman tracks her tem- times greater risk of blood clots
perature, cervical changes, and her than prior versions. Husbands should make sure that
cervical mucus. If using the Creigh- • Oral contraceptive users have a their wives maintain their health.
ton Model FertilityCare™ System, greater risk of heart attack than Practicing NFP is one way of doing
the woman tracks only the look and non-users, and their arteries this.
feel of her cervical mucus. When develop plaque at a faster rate.
using the Marquette Method, the • On top of all of this, contra- 2. NFP Allows for True Love
woman tracks her hormone levels ception is used to debilitate a Contraception: Marriage and sexual-
with a Clearblue Fertility Monitor. healthy and functioning organ ity are gifts from God by which man
She has the option of also tracking system. By design, it works and woman unite in love and create
the other markers as well. against the woman’s body. (See new human beings. Contraception
HLI’s brochure “Contraception deliberately removes these intrinsic
These methods all have several Questions: Is Contraception meanings (union and procreation)
advantages—morally, psychologi- Really Good for Women?”) from sex and does harm to mar-
cally, and physically—over standard riage itself and to one’s spouse. As
methods of birth control. Knowing all of this, what man Pope Paul VI wrote in Humanae
would want his wife to take these Vitae, “To use this divine gift while
How Does NFP Differ from Con- risks, especially when there is a depriving it, even if only partially, of
traception? healthier method available? its meaning and purpose, is equally
You might be wondering: What’s repugnant to the nature of man and
the difference between the “natu- NFP: In a culture increasingly of woman, and is consequently in
ral” method and medical or barrier concerned with “going green” and opposition to the plan of God and
methods? Isn’t the goal the same? “all-natural” products, it is ironic His holy will” (HV 13).
To answer these fair questions, we that we continue to encourage wom-
can compare the use of contracep- en to use harmful synthetic steroids Using contraception involves the
tion and NFP on such key issues as when an all-natural, life-affirming, rejection of God’s design and the
health, love, and morality.
1. NFP Is Much Better for Wom-
en’s Health
Contraception: Medical journals
have published countless studies
indicating unwanted side effects of
contraception. For example:
• Breast cancer risks are elevated
for oral contraceptive users:
The World Health Organization