Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 34

Health & Healing

          fertility of one’s spouse. It does not
          allow for true intimacy because in
          using contraception, spouses “pro-
          tect” themselves from one another
          and the fruit of marital love—a
          child. Contraception undermines
          self-gift to one’s spouse, and when
          a child is conceived, often leads to
          the couple seeing the child as an
          “accident” that can be “fixed” with

          NFP: NFP expresses a profound
          openness to God’s will for a couple
          and embraces both the unitive and   traceptive mentality” that follows   their sex lives, and significantly low-
          procreative meanings of marital    its widespread acceptance has led   er divorce rates than contraception
          intimacy. It respects God’s laws and   to a culture that demeans wom-  users.
          His careful design and also recog-  en, often forces contraception on
          nizes that we are not “the master   poor citizens, and increases societal   4. NFP Is at Least as Effective as
          of the sources of life but rather the   acceptance of and dependence on   Contraception
          minister of the design established by   abortion. As St. John Paul II empha-  Studies have shown that, when done
          the Creator.”                      sized, contraception and abortion   correctly, NFP is as good as or bet-
                                             are fruits of the same tree and are   ter than hormonal contraceptives.
          NFP allows for love and gift of self   hallmarks of a Culture of Death.  For instance, according to the Mar-
          to one’s spouse and thus enriches                                     quette site, this method is 98 to 99%
          and deepens the love of the spous-  NFP: The vast majority of NFP     effective in postponing pregnancy.
          es. Sexual intercourse remains a true   users find that it fosters a union
          act of love and never involves acting   between spouses that is fully human,   A Creighton fact sheet on fertility
          against a potential child. The couple   open to God’s will, and allows for   states that this model “has a per-
          is never opposed to the fruit of   total gift of self to one another. It   fect use rate of 98.7-99.5%, and a
          their love, and thus they are capable   involves sacrifice, and so fosters a   typical use rate of 83-97%, as good
          of giving and receiving the complete   greater appreciation for one’s spouse   as hormonal contraceptives (IUDs,
          gift of self that they desire.     and the gift of marital love. Among   the pill, etc.) and better than barriers
                                             the positive benefits of NFP is that   (condoms, etc.).”
          3. NFP Leads to Better Relation-   occasional sacrifice in the bedroom
          ships                              helps prevent selfishness from en-  And the Sympto-Thermal Method
          Contraception: When Pope Paul VI   tering the marriage, and it fosters a   is over 99% effective in postponing
          wrote his encyclical Humanae Vitae,   more peaceful relationship between   pregnancy.
          he made four predictions of what   spouses who become more apt to
          would follow widespread acceptance   resolve or avoid other problems.  While hormonal implants such as
          of contraception:                                                     Nexplanon and IUDs are also over
                                             Divorce Rates of NFP Users (top)   99% effective, they come with a
          •   An increase in infidelity      and Contraception Users (bottom)   host of potential side effects, includ-
          •   A general lowering of morality                                    ing more painful and heavy periods,
          •   A loss of respect for and objec-  Further, NFP encourages couples to   the possibility of the implant or
              tification of women            express affection and love for one   IUD moving into a different part of
          •   Governments forcing their pop-  another in ways that are not sexual   the body, and other dangerous phys-
              ulations to use contraception   and discourages couples from seeing   ical and psychological side effects.
              if they felt its use furthered the   one another as objects of pleasure
              “good of the state” (HV 17).   (see Humanae Vitae 21). Perhaps it   However, a woman need not worry
                                             is no surprise that studies indicate   about any of these side effects with
          Sadly, all of these predict        that users of NFP report greater   NFP, as all of these NFP methods
          ions have come true, as the “con-  intimacy, a greater satisfaction with   are safe and easy to use. Further, all

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