Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 24
Health & Healing
the universe, from where it was ing the general climate and daily if there were no prostitutes, de-
transferred to the many galaxies weather. One could make a broad bauchery would flourish. The origin
including our own Milky Way. statement in saying that law origi- of evil lies in the free will of the
From the Milky Way this cosmic nates from examples in the heavens human being, but God uses what is
energy is transferred to our Sun of the annular seasons of the Sun, worst in the best possible way. Once
which in turn distributes it to the tempered by the revolutions of the evil has been created, God included
solar system of planets, including Moon and the Moon’s phases which it in God’s order, which is good as a
planet Earth. The Sun is therefore produce moisture, heat, drought, whole’. Just as a reminder, the two
a fitting symbol of the energy and and cold. Church Fathers, were authentic Af-
spirit of God. Ancient rulers por- ricans from ancient Ethiopia/Nubia
trayed themselves as the sons and The planets of our solar system ac- area. But they were later promoted
daughters of the Sun – our most centuate these conditions produced as bishops to go and stay in Alex-
direct and immediate connection by the Sun and Moon. The Earth andria which was the capital of the
with God. herself cycles through changes in Roman Empire in Africa.
the tilt of her axis, the inclination, The same Order applies to functions
Our ancient forefathers worshiped and the eccentricity of her orbit. and duties of celestial bodies. It
the Sun as the symbol of the One Above all these cycles and condi- also applies to the Angels, including
Spirit of God. They also paid tions is the revolution and rotation ancestors. What applies to Heaven
reverence to the many historical of our own Milky Way galaxy. also applies to the Earth (Hierarchy
demi-gods and heroes of the suc- Humans live on planet Earth, and and Order – Created Order – God,
cessive cycles of the great Epochal therefore, they are affected, and World, Evil, and Creation – JRank
Ages of time in the cosmos. This what makes to be more affected Articles
system was their systematic history is that they are connected to bot pages/9621/Hierarchy-Order-Creat-
as well as the science of recording planet Earth and the cosmic order. ed-Order.html#ixzz51Zz6hhTI).
climate and great natural events. It was goddess Amma who created In short, what was put in place by
But more importantly, they were planet Earth through the PO egg of God, will be there, undisturbed
highly connected to the cosmic creation, according to the Dogon. and unchanged forever. And to go
spirit. Infinite wisdom and knowledge is against it, is a sin. In isiNguni we
locked inside every human being, say: Okwangunaphakade (perpet-
The cycles of the rotation of the but to really experience our third eye ual evolution) the Cosmic Law or
Milky Way Galaxy have given us potential we must begin to develop Umthetho waMvelinqangi/Nku-
the historical record of the At- and repair the Pineal gland. Repair- lunkulu (see JK Ngubane; Ubuntu:
lantic-Egyptian generation of the ing this gland, means cleansing our Philosophy and Practice, 2017).
Epochal Gods from the goddess epistemological and ontological Therefore, the argument that Ubun-
of Night and Ocean, to Uranus, behavior, our philosophy of life, tu is not connected to our cosmic
Helios, Thoth, Cronus, Zeus, and etc, by going through a ‘knowledge order, is totally wrong, and actually
Christ. Egyptian-Mosaic tradition cleansing laboratory’ institution. reveals how we lack the under-
contributes to the story of Adam Because our knowledges are dirty, standing of our Kematic science
and Eve to this great cycle. There- we need to clean them by removing and cosmology, and in that sense, I
fore, remember that the 7 chakras the impurities. decided to broaden the definition of
centres in our bodies are connect- Ubuntu.
ed to the Milky Way Galaxy, which What is a Cosmic Order?
means they get their energies from One of the teachings of order, Broadened Definition of
there. transitional from the ancient to Ubuntu
Looking up at the heavens our the Christian understanding, was a If one is allowed to argue here that
forefathers perceived order and doctrine of Origen of Alexandria this current definition/maxim of
balance in the harmony of the (185?–254?) and St. Augustine of Ubuntu: ‘I am because you are,
cosmic cycles which offset the Hippo (354–430), that ‘nothing you are because we are’, is simplis-
extremes and maximums of the could be out of the order of created tic until one fully understands the
larger more ponderous cycles things. What seems to us to be evil intricate cosmic connection between
which in their turn do not permit also exists in the framework of human beings and solar system. It
the quick and shorter ones to run order. So, if there were no hangmen, is the same thing as saying that we
away with themselves in influenc- robbery would fill the earth, and are made in the image of God and
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