Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 26


                   WHO DO YOU BLAME

                        when opportunity does not meet preparation?

                                                   Samuel Phillips

          There are certain tests that one has to do,   deal for Kenyan nurses to work as   when opportunities are presented to
          depending on the region in the world that   health workers in the UK. But, like   them? It may be and it may not be.
          you are going to. For instance, the ones who   every job requires some form of   But here is the thing I am thinking:
          are going to England have got to do tests   interview, test or exams for accep-
          in English, and they have got to do tests, I   tance, the nurses were tested in an   There is a quote I came across a
          think, in computers. And, our failure rate,   exam. But according to the CS, out   long time ago, it says “Success is
          particularly in English, is extremely high.   of 300 nurses that were examined,   when preparation meets opportu-
          True Daktari? We sent 300 people to do   only 10 of them passed the English   nity.” This is absolutely correct and
          the English exams, 10 passed. 10 passed.   exam that was required for the job.  should be thought about critically.
          So, I am challenging you that this is going
          to happen. I mean, we are going to negoti-  Now, I am  not writing this article   Every field of endeavor has its own
          ate, yes, but you are going to have to pass   to bash or speak against the Kenyan   specific requirements and every
          the exams. Not me, you. So, when we do   nurses who “failed” the English   aspiration for success must be met
          those exams, let’s prepare ourselves, let’s set   exams (knowing the English lan-  with commensurate preparations.
          the standards. Prof, let’s set the standards,   guage is required to work in the UK,   As Afrikans, we have delayed for
          so that we are sure that there is no exam,   which an English society, thought   too long in taking back our place as
          anywhere on earth, that a clinical officer   it’s not a measure of intelligence)   the cradle of humanity and creativ-
          trained in Kenya can fail-         but to point out something that is   ity. We can no longer let ourselves
          Kenya Health CS Mutahi Kagwe.      quite beyond failing of English or   be found wanting when it’s time to
                                             any other language in an exam.     manifest who we are as a people. We
                   he above quote was taken                                     cannot allow opportunities to pass
                   from a speech the Kenya   Is it possible that Afrika is the way it   us by, simply because we are not
                   Health CS made during     is right now because many Afrikans   prepared to take up the positions
          Ta session with Kenyan             are walking around complaining     meant for us.
          nurses. Apparently, the Kenyan     about what foreigners are doing    Am I speaking about a lost oppor-
          President, Uhuru Kenyatta, on his   against Afrika, while not spending   tunity to become a nurse in the UK?
          last visit to the UK brokered a job   time to really prepare to take over   Not really...

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