Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 11
Ubuntu Philosophy
As Entitled In African Proverbs
buntu is an African Africa. However, its application is
philosophy that places now worldwide.
emphasis on ‘being
Uhuman through other Africa, just like other continents in
people’. It has been succinctly re- the world, enjoys its cultural heritage NORBERT
flected in the phrase “I am because handed down from generation to
of who we all are”. Ubuntu echoes generation. This sets an identity to MPOROTO
the African thought of acceptable the rest of the world and it’s a pride
ideas and deeds. Ubuntu can best for Africans. Today, we will highlight Norbert Mporoto is a Tanzanian Free-
be described as humanism from the the African proverbs and words of lance Writer, Editor, Translator and Poet.
African perspective, as proposed by wisdom as among the cultural her- He composes poems of all kinds and
the former head of the Zambian itages that have been handed over writes novels and short stories. He also
government, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda. verbally from generation to gen- writes articles on several contemporary
It is Africa’s worldview of societal eration for over a thousand years, issues. Norbert is also skilled in the
relations. It is a social and human- with most surviving colonialism, preparation of Business Plans, Project
istic ethic. Simply, Ubuntu as a war and all forms of oppression. Proposals, Memorandums for
philosophy is attributable to blacks African proverbs contain principles Companies,
of Africa, especially sub-Saharan and values, which the continent can Educational research and reports.
You can reach Norbert at: