Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 10
this book decades ago, and clearly, Watch The
things are far worse right now with Video About
the level of choke-hold that phar- Kiambu
maceutical companies and the cor- Babies
porations that make agro-chemicals
and farming machines now have on
both the governments of nations
and the people.
Are you aware that there are now having defects and malformations Medicine.
laws in some places in the world in their genitals called Epispadias I believe that Modern Medicine’s treat-
that make sure farmers cannot share Hypospadias (we did a video about it). ments for disease are seldom effective, and
seeds among themselves, they can- The study showed that these mal- that they’re often more dangerous than the
not store seeds for the next planting formations were caused by the use diseases they’re designed to treat.
seasons and they must only buy of toxic chemicals by the farming I believe the dangers are compounded by
their seeds from the corporations? parents of these babies. Now, if the widespread use of dangerous proce-
And mind you, those seeds they buy these malformations can happen dures for non-diseases.
are dead seeds, in that they cannot to these babies whose parents use I believe that more than ninety percent of
be planted twice. Tell me, is that these toxic chemicals for farming, Modern Medicine could disappear from
not death in itself, which we call what is happening to the people the face of the earth -- doctors, hospitals,
development? Absolutely it is. For, that are eating the food produced drugs, and equipment -- and the effect
if the seeds which were naturally with these chemicals and even to on our health would be immediate and
supposed to contain life for succes- the parents themselves? Another beneficial.”
sive generations of that particular question, what is happening to I believe that Modern Medicine has gone
plant, suddenly are dead within just the reproductive systems of the too far, by using in everyday situations
one planting season, can what was female babies that will be born to extreme treatments designed for critical
harvested using that seed be called these farmers and of those eating conditions.”
food? Should it not be rightly called the farm produce. And mind you,
“a poison”? You think and figure it Kiambu county is one of the main It’s an emergency
out yourself. And to make matters food baskets of Kenya. So, imagine It’s not a joke that we are fast
worse, these corporations with the how far those farm products go making our world unsurvivable for
idiotic governments of the day country-wide and what the effects ourselves and the generations to
that we have, are making policies will be in some years to come. come. It’s actually an emergency
that destroy indigenous seeds and situation to take back our lives from
heirloom seeds just so that they So, inasmuch as I am not against the hands of peddlers of toxicity,
can get funding from these demon- modern farm practices and modern in the name of modern farming
ic corporations for their foolish medicine, I am against the foolish and medicine. In Afrika, we still
spending. How much more crazy disregard for lives that clearly man- have time-tested original indigenous
can this world get before we say it’s ifests itself in the name of making seeds and foods that have not be
enough? money from farm yields and sales compromised by science and we
of toxic medicines. We can do have genuine practitioners of the
Am I against doctors, modern farm- better. original Afrikan natural medicine
ers and their jobs? Absolutely not. that are devoid of chemical toxins.
But I am against the malpractices, Dr Robert wrote these words in his We need to strengthen these beau-
the lies, the don’t care attitudes that other book titled Confessions Of A tiful parts of our Afrikan lives and
happen in the name of health care Medical Heretic. save our lives from toxic living.
and farming which are destroying “I no longer believe in Modern Medi- Living in any form of denial, like
lives and maiming children by the cine. I believe that despite all the super most are doing right now with the
thousands. technology and elite bedside manner that’s issue of Covid-19 vaccines, will
Think about this. About a year ago supposed to make you feel about as well only put us in a state where, if God
or so, news came out of Kiambu cared for as an astronaut on the way does not help us, it will be too late
county, in Kenya, where it was no- to the moon, the greatest danger to your to make real changes later.
ticed that male children were born health is the doctor who practices Modern
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