Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 12
word, “Mine!” to claim the items Watch the
that pleased their eyes: the best car video
driving past, the best garment in message to
a shop, the best gadget on display. Afrikan
They had to do it faster than their leaders.
peers in order for the ‘claim’ to be
valid and duly ‘assigned’ to them.
That claim would then afford them
points, and some kind of approval
and ranking, eventually allowing
them to ‘win’ the game. That is
what the Vatican and the Europe-
an governments gave their assent
to, using science (evil evolutionary
theories), religious ‘authority’ via
the various Papal bulls, and legal ‘leaders’ claimed for themselves, each other or committing fraud in
say-so via the Doctrine of Discov- and their cronies, massive pieces of order to acquire it… And soon,
ery as justification to dehumanize land all across their countries. By the devilish European ‘game’ of
and dispossess indigenous peoples, so-doing the hopes of the nations “Mine!” was firmly entrenched in
the world over. These bulls have were dashed, as they were subjected the continent, and laws were created
not been formally revoked by the to new land laws and regulations to preserve the demonic possession
Vatican, only claimed to have been that snatched the very victory they of people by the land, and land by
abrogated by subsequent bulls. thought they had won out of their some of the people. And, as more
grasp, and placed it so far out of and more Afrikans were forced into
reach that the only way to access urban areas, and as nations continue
It is in this vein that the coloniz-
er descended on Afrika, and it is their inheritances was to pay for to date to embrace the idea of ur-
this same poison with which they them – even going into debt to pay ban high rise residential and office
infected some Afrikans, so that, at the former colonizers for property buildings in order to ‘save’ space,
faux-independence, instead of the that was rightfully theirs. the land is left to speculators to
Afrikan rulers of the ‘new nations’ trade with, or commercial farmers
finally restoring order to the land is- And so, death spread across the to poison using their agrochemicals
sue, which original order they would land. A death to a rich history, and culturally disconnected capital-
have been aware of at that time, and culture and way of life, a death to istic farming practices that – again –
which Afrikan liberation move- valuing people over land, a death benefit just a few. And the many are
ments had as one of their goals, to a liberty and simplicity of spirit cast aside from the land yet again.
they, rather, betrayed all their peo- that underpinned the values of To the point where there are those
ple. At this pretend independence, Ubuntu, family, love and brother- who cannot even fathom what an
many a heart of an independence hood. A death to community, and interaction with the land looks like.
fighter was broken when, instead the inter-generational preservation
of gaining back what had been lost, of one another. And land became So, in a continent that is well able
they instead were faced with a real a personal possession – and, it to provide access to land to all
life ‘Animal Farm’ effect… where seemed, Afrika became demonically of its people, abundantly, and to
their new ‘leaders’ turned into the possessed by it: Brother fighting restore a direct connection to the
very form of the colonizers, using brother or sister to claim a piece of earth itself, a terrible mindset has
the very same system that had the earth that no one can every tru- been infused, for generations, in the
been created by the Europeans to ly claim ownership of, because they people of Afrika. A mindset that
imprison and oppress the Afrikans, found it here, they leave it here, and convinces each individual that they
to continue to imprison them. At they are returned to it – even if they must have property for THEM-
the same time, the ‘new’ Afrikan try to hide behind fancy coffins SELVES, and that what is available
governments gave authorization and graves; Politicians using land IS NOT ENOUGH to go around,
for European settlers to remain, for personal benefit and gain, rich and that they must serve THEIR
holding huge tracts of land in their and advantaged people trading in it OWN INTERESTS NOW or else
‘former’ colonies, while Afrikan and with it in order to claim more LOSE OUT. This evil and greedy
for themselves; People murdering
12 | we tell the true afrikan story