Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 14


          The concept of refugees, internally   world. That way, we can raise and
          displaced persons, homeless people   sustain generations of those who
          is absolutely contrary to the real   know their true purpose and destiny
          identity of Afrika, or Alkebulan,   and who create communities that
          which both make reference to her   thrive based on this, and who raise
          role of motherhood as the womb     generations with the same heart and
          of life and spirit. Wombs are de-  mindset.
          signed for nurture, protection and
          incubation of life – not its rejection   This level of access means that a
          or destruction. The continent of   total and complete stripping away
          Afrika has abundant supply for her   of the destructive ways that were
          children, and, with wisdom well    introduced, and their replacement
          applied, has abundant supply for   with life-giving norms and cultures
          those who need Afrika’s help. This   that resonate with love, brother-
          is no lie. The great robbery that the   hood and Ubuntu must be our
          Europeans (Americans included),    new fight for true independence.
          Arabs and Chinese committed and    Meaning that until we deal with the
          commit against Afrika was never    corruption that was introduced by
          needful. What was, and is, needful   Europeans when they came to our
          was, and is, engagement with the   continent, real independence will
          continent of Afrika, as brothers   never really be achieved. We remain,
          indeed, for support and cooperation   currently, imprisoned by chains and
          to take place between Afrika and   bars of futility that are fixated on
          the peoples across the oceans. Not   the acquisition of wealth and things
          murder, genocide, robbery, trickery,   and status, as opposed to being
          rape, slavery and oppression.      consumed with strengthening each
          The decision to conveniently label   other, supporting those in need and
          Afrikans as monkeys, and therefore   pushing together towards a future
          uncivilized non-people, or to call   that is filled with light, hope and
          them pagans and unbelievers, and   peace. We must change ourselves
          to use these lies as a justification to   first if really we want change  in our
          kill, steal and destroy was a devious   continent. There is no other way to
          as it was foolish.                 do it.
          Which means any effort by Afri-
          kans to keep in place the murder-  Greed is a killer
          ous agendas of the Eurasians will   The heart that says “it’s me, myself
          continue to keep us in a maelstrom   and I alone” is nothing but evil
          of futility and death. A condition   and should be done away with. For
          utterly contrary to the life that we   greed, like every of its evil cousins,
          represent as a continent.          will lead to the death of those who
                                             are caught up by it. It is unfortunate
          Again, this is more than an arti-  that, while it was the Europeans
          cle about land inheritance for the   that brought this evil of greed for
          peoples of Afrika. And, even while   land and material possessions, right
          each child of Afrika should have   now, Afrikans themselves seem
          access to the land for its productive   to be those who are now deeply
          use for the benefit of all… more   sucked into this dark hole. But we
          than anything, each child of Afrika   definitely cannot continue like this.
          must have access to their true     It benefits us not to persist in the
          inheritance of life and spirit that   ways of the ones who seek nothing
          will enable them to understand who   but death. We must source the true
          Afrika is, and what she represents   wellspring of life if Afrika is to
          to her children and the rest of the   thrive again.

        14        |   we tell the true afrikan story
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