Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 13


          spirit from the Europeans, and even   that ne’er the twain shall meet. Land
          the Arabs who dominated the East   transactions in Afrika provide gov-
          Coast of Afrika, sank its claws and   ernments with an opportunity to   Governments act as if  com-
          fangs into the governing systems   make money from the transacting    passion, love, kindness and
          of nations across the continent    parties, at various levels, especially
          and is still sucking the life out of   those that go on under the table.   brotherhood ought to be kept
          her. Now, there are descendants of   Because a title deed has become   completely separate from their
          colonialists holding up to 100,000   such a sought-after prize that
          acres in former colonies, which they   individuals are willing to do literally   work as administrators, often
          use to continue to extract economic   anything to get their hands on land.
          benefit from, while the indigenes   No matter the consequences.       treating the citizens of  their
          continue on as their servants and                                     countries as though they are
          slaves. Worse yet, there are indi-  But, if instead, a government
          viduals calling themselves Afrikan,   chooses that its people must have   subject to their every whim
          holding up to 500,000 acres of land,   dignity, and a reliable and safe
          while their brothers and sisters are   livelihood, over everything else,   and dictate.
          homeless and landless. And these   then its approach to the land issue,
          individuals will give no thought to   and indeed, to all other issues, will   exist, and its purpose for existence.
          the homeless and landless, nor to   be completely different from what   But governments have chosen to
          the fact that not only did they ille-  is currently seen on the ground   disenfranchise millions, or even
          gally and selfishly acquire this land,   in Afrika, and anywhere else in   tens of millions of people, opting
          but that they acquired it directly   the world. Governments act as if   to control them like pigs in pens,
          against the objectives of the strug-  compassion, love, kindness and   and to disinherit them from their
          gle for independence. Not only that   brotherhood ought to be kept    multifaceted histories and histor-
          but there is no way they will truly   completely separate from their work   ical connections. It is immoral,
          be able to put full use to these vast   as administrators, often treating the   indecent, and an illegitimate use of
          tracts of land, while others, if given   citizens of their countries as though   power; and it is also a culmination
          free access to it, could, at the very   they are subject to their every whim   of the work that was started by the
          minimum, eke out a dignified living   and dictate. These governments act   hands of the European colonizers,
          on this same land, and from that   egoistically, believing (to their own   and continued by the hands of the
          balance in the community could     destruction) and portraying the lie   European neo-colonizers, working
          once more be restored.             that the government knows best,    through their Afrikan puppets. It
                                             and, therefore, whatever they say   is a plan that plays straight into the
          But, if a government has decided   goes. No matter the consequence    hands of the globalists, who now
          that its people must pay in order to   on the society as a whole. They   seek to establish stakeholder capi-
          access land, and then pay in order   have turned their employers (the   talism and disenfranchise the whole
          to retain it via rates, rents and taxes,   citizens) into numbers in a system,   world, for the sake of a few. And,
          as opposed to taking a complete-   who they claim to view impartially.   if Afrikans continue to play their
          ly different view, culturally and   By so-doing, they are effectively   game, instead of choosing a brave
          philosophically, then you end up   dehumanizing both the citizenry    new path, it is a plan that will take
          with the chaos and confusion that   and themselves. Because, in truth, a   hold with ease, and the entire prison
          you see around the world. Where,   citizen will never be just a number   system that they have sought to put
          as an example, Bill Gates is now the   in a system. They are people, and   in place, will be fully established.
          largest farmland owner in America,   people are beautifully interwoven   I say ‘if Afrikans continue to play
          with 242,000 acres of land. I leave it   lives, which contain complex series   their game’ – not Afrikan govern-
          to you to find out why a tech mogul   of stories, experiences, networks,   ments – because the responsibility
          is buying up so much farmland…     cultures, histories, memories, in-  for pushback against government
          but you can be sure it is not for the   teractions and relationships – even   overreach rests in the hands of the
          welfare of the community. This     with those who work in govern-     individuals who are the end objec-
          kind of confusion is of the mak-   ment. They are the very fabric upon   tive of government and globalist
          ing of the Capitalist system, and   which the government rests, and   attempts to control them.
          is so far removed from humanity,   from which it gains its power to
          compassion, love and brotherhood   make decisions, legitimacy to even

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 18 | DECEMBER 2021      13
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