Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 17

Art & Culture

                                             to preservation of African culture,   to the dancers and are thus often
                                             though their uses and preferences   depicted on slabs of rock in Twy-
       Art and craft are an                  may differ from region to region.   felfontein, Erongo, Brandberg and

       integral part of  African             The African identity preserved in   Spitzkoppe. African drawings are
                                                                                also rich in the images of animals;
                                             Songye masks of Zaire, is as good
       life. It goes beyond dec-             as the Chokwe masks of Angola,     though to others it may not give
                                             the Baule masks of Ivory Coast
                                                                                a true meaning of such an artistic
       oration because of  its               play the same role as the Tikar mask   work. Animals in nature are usually
                                             of Cameroon and so much more.
                                                                                illustrated in a very precise manner,
       cultural and spiritual                When the drum beats, we can all    such as animals fleeing or being
                                             come and dance together as the chil-
                                                                                attacked. Men are often depicted
       connections; it connects              dren of the same mother, Africa.   in the sense that they usually carry
                                             From another perspective, African
                                                                                bows and arrows whereas women
       nature, souls, identity               handicrafts are used to keep the   usually carry richly decorated bags
                                             prominent historic ancestral figures.
                                                                                and baskets. Many prehistorians be-
       and spirit to present the             The crafts allow the ancestral spirit   lieve today that they illustrate rituals
                                                                                of trance and the magic of analogy

       African Culture.                      to remain as a vital force within   as omens for the hunt or for rain.
                                                                                The location of these paintings has
                                             the community, for a lifetime. The
                                             crafts celebrate not only the an-  religious and magical significance, as
                                             cestors but womanhood figures as   most of them are found under crev-
          there is often no difference between   well. The womanhood crafts honor;   ices and overhangs which provide
          social recreation and ceremonial   African women as leaders within    sheltered dwelling places close to
          celebrations. African masks can be   their society, givers and nurturers   water.” O How beautiful it is to be
          thought of as sculptural shapes, as   of life. This is witnessed in a wide   an African!
          they are mostly part of a unified   range of paintings and drawings.
          experience, but they can also be   Starting from the oldest dated art in   For centuries, Africa has been a
          thought of as the meaning of per-  South-Western Namibia, the Apollo   victim of the single story, what the
          formance art.                      11 Cave in the Huns Mountains are   world hears about Africa are not the
                                             not meaningless drawings, rather a   real happenings. What defines Africa
                                             representation of the social values   in a positive way is far from the
          Masks are often used in dance
          ceremonies to create a connection   that still prevail today.         book of wisdom. Now is the time,
          between the human and spiritual                                       the ether has changed, the history
          worlds. The masquerade has great   One of the research reports titled   has left no stone unturned. African
          religious and cultural                ‘Ancient Rock Art’ by a Namib-  traditions were scorned at one time,
          implications for                            ian academician argued,   but now the world is re-discovering
          the partici-                                    “Contents of the      the beauty, essence, and peculiarities
          pants, in-                                         various rock art   of African handicrafts and their tra-
          cluding an                                           includes details   ditions at large. This can be evinced
          enthu-                                                of ritual       following the cumulative number of
          siastic                                                dances and     takers for the idiosyncratic bits and
          and                                                     tradition-    pieces of art, which showcase the
          con-                                                     al tribal    cultural values of different African
          nected                                                   healers      regions. Right now, we cannot count
          audi-                                                    in a state   it as a success but a mark of victory.
          ence.                                                    of hyp-      Ours should be “As Africa starts to
          All                                                     notism.       retell her own story, we should all
          African                                                According      be aware that history should not be
          masks                                                 to research,    abandoned like old bananas, history
          play the                                             certain figures   should not be ridiculed, and history
          same role                                          such as clapping   should not be mocked, especially the
          when it comes                                    women were very      history of Africa.”
                                                       important as supporters

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 18 | DECEMBER 2021      17
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