Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 82

Health & Healing

          Roundup Cancer Lawsuits            to trial over Bayer/Monsanto’s objections;   researchers who put money and the
          By the time Bayer bought Monsanto in   the appeals court also upheld the reduced   loss of it before the loss of human
          2018, thousands of  lawsuits linking   award.)                        lives. I am not against science and
          Roundup to the development of  a form of                              research. But the truth is, science
          cancer known as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma   Now, to not sound as if what I am   without conscience and a heart for
          had been filed in courts nationwide. (The   talking about are just some stories   human safety is nothing but poison
          business entity known as “Monsanto” no   coming out from outside of the   and death. And this we are already
          longer exists, though the name appears to   continent of Afrika, or even Ken-  seeing with the amount of cancer
          live on in court filings related to Roundup   ya from where the bill has been   cases, eye defects, obesity and the
          litigation.)                       submitted, let me now share a few   many other non-communicable
          That same year, in the first of  these cases   things about what is going on with   diseases we are seeing right now in
          to go to trial, a California jury found in   the health of farmers and their con-  our society.
          favor of  Dewayne Johnson, a 46-year-old   tacts with some of these chemicals.
          groundskeeper who worked at a number                                  It’s up to you
          of  California schools. Johnson’s attorneys   Sometime back, we shared with you   Like Dr Jack Githae, a Kenya Nat-
          argued that he developed non-Hodgkin’s   in this magazine and even on our   ural Medicine Practitioner, men-
          lymphoma after using Roundup on the   TV show, a new study by the Uni-  tioned in one of our interviews with
          job, and alleged a scientific connection   versity of Nairobi (UoN) which says   him, every community and people
          between the product and the illness. The   that the number of children being   of such community, according to
          jury stopped short of  finding a clear causal   born with physical abnormalities   the constitution, have the right to
          link between Johnson’s use of  glyphosate   in Kiambu County has been rising.   defend themselves from any form
          and his cancer, instead finding that Bayer/  The study shows that the issue of   of danger. And this makes sense,
          Monsanto had failed to do enough to warn   Hypospadias, which is a rare male   especially now that we have more
          Johnson of  the risk that Roundup could   genital organ defect was the most   compromised government and
          cause cancer. Bayer/Monsanto was ordered   frequently occurring of all observed   private agencies that are nothing but
          to pay $289 million in damages. That   physical abnormalities detectable at   puppets in the hands of those who
          award has twice been reduced on appeal   birth. The study also found out that   control the money.
          (to $20.5 million), but Bayer/Monsanto’s   the increase in Epispadias, another
          liability has been upheld both times.   defect of the male genital organ,   So, if the scientists and research-
                                             was similarly common in Kiambu     ers are erroneously feeding the
          Two more Roundup lawsuits to reach the   County.” According to the study,   government false information that
          trial stage also ended in big wins for the   the two types of penile defects have   chemical based farming practices are
          plaintiffs:                        been linked to boys born of obese   the only way for food sustainability
                                             mothers, women giving birth at     and agro-economics, yet these are
          In May 2019, a jury ordered Bayer to   older ages than 35 years, and those   killing people by their millions, then
          pay $2 billion in punitive damages in a   exposed to toxic chemicals such   it is time for the masses to decide
          lawsuit filed by a couple who both devel-  as pesticides, hormones, med-  for themselves how to protect
          oped non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using   icines or industrial chemicals   themselves from such evil disguised
          Roundup for over 30 years. The couple was   during pregnancy.         as science. For, as we can already
          also awarded another $55 million in com-                              see in our modern world, science
          pensatory damages. A few months later,   My thoughts                  without conscience, left in the hands
          this massive award was reduced to $86.7   I do not think it makes any sense   of those also without conscience
          million after the judge concluded that the   for us to cover our faces with the   is nothing but a weapon of mass
          original judgment was significantly out of    blindfold of science and foolish   destruction and population extermi-
          step with legal precedent.         research that has no meaning and   nation. Let us be wise and a thinking
          In March 2019, a jury awarded $80   which adds nothing useful to our   people.
          million (including $75 million in punitive   lives as Afrikans. We definitely do
          damages, later cut to $20 million) to a   not need a scientist or researcher   Check out a video interview we did
          plaintiff  who had used Roundup in his   to tell us what is safe and what is   with a lady called Angela Ndiho
          yard for over 25 years before developing   not, if we can with our own eyes   titled: How I Overcame Breast Can-
          non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (In May 2021,   see the consequences of the choices   cer Using Natural Vegetable Juicing.
          a federal appeals court ruled that the judge   and decisions we are making in the
          had properly allowed the case to proceed   name of money. So, shame on those

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