Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 79
LIE this way!!
The TV, Newspapers (even those
professing to be pro black like
Huffington Post etc) and scientific
journal outlets etc. are ALL COR-
Sadly, including the likes of Obama,
as you take your time to go back
and carefully analyze his actions and
public statements, then you know,
like Sista Souljah once pointed out,
“he” too was nothing but a compro-
mised “puppet” and unfortunately nations: patronizing those who ENJOY
(you do not understand WHAT dehumanizing and slaughtering you
“Obama Care” really is as it not Yes! you heard me: South Africa and your kind!!! Use your head at
what you THINK it is as you were once had nuclear weapons as minimum get off their systems and
sold an illusion so sit down then go anyone who did a postgraduate STOP FEEDING THE BEAST!!!!
find out more about its true pur- International Law class in the 80’s
pose) did secretly MORE damage knows that as it was part of the While the other cut out clip shows
to blacks intentionally keeping them lectures we were taught in classes you that buffoon HUMPITY
in servitude lock-down than even that in the 60’s Apartheid South HUMP signed it into act. So you see
Hitler did. Sadly, because we as a Africa in collaboration with UK they are ALL IN IT Together!!!
people are GULLIBLE and DES- and France did nuclear tests in
PERATE we fall for it all the time: the Sahara Desert demonstrating Finally: this video clip despite
their nuclear capabilities...YES! shrinking it, it is too big for email:
As sadly he was a “Clinton” and it is also part of the reasons But go here to the link below to
house-negro so to speak...and the why immigrants crossing the desert watch the global CRY/APPEAL
truth deserves to be said: Personally in the late 90’s/early 2000 were FOR HELP from the Aborigines as
back then I rooted for him NOT often handled like aliens/deceased your NWO is systematically/openly
because I expected anything good, rhinoceros’s by radiation suited up slaughtering them too!!!
but I did so out of patronage to border patrol personnel when the
those who are labelled “black”. migrant ignorantly risked it all cross- Anyone who still cannot see what
NOT because one expected any- ing the Sahara as part of their quest is REALLY going on with all these
thing tangible from him while in to get to Europe via Spain etc.). events then certainly that person
puppet office, as far too many needs to go see a brain surgeon as
Knee-Grows have colluded and If ONLY you people Understood their brain must be defunct...there
worked AGAINST our kind to ALL these things then probably we is NO conspiracy here everything is
keep our race down in various would not be in the pitiful state of REAL!!
ways even those who denied us being/existence that those who are
[that is those with the technical / “labelled” as black are in today...
scientific know-how and intellect TIME TO WAKE UP!!! Click image to watch video.
to do so] the window of opportu-
nity to do Nuclear REVERSE-EN- P/S So you are STILL on FACE-
GINEERING and thus one day BOOK huh!?? as the other video
create our own nuclear defense clip shows; Did You Know that
weapons when they ALLOWED the “hidden” partner of Facebook
the nuclear weapons in South Africa Provided the Funding to PLAN the
to be removed from South Afri- Murder of the Masses...The creator
ca and shared among the western gave you a brain use it and STOP