Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 74
Abigirl Phiri is a Ph.D student in com-
merce, free-lance writer, poet, International
Ambassador of Peace, GBV activist,
social entrepreneur, talent manager and an
international marketer. More of her work
can be found on her Facebook Page:
Words are forever.
A Culture That Helps Shape Thinking Outside The Box
By Abigirl Phiri, Zimbabwe.
ulture, in general, involves and management of firms’ relations open mind of looking at things that
the values, behaviors, with the economic environment. is not jaded or rose colored. A good
traditions, beliefs and example is of Chinese children who
Cnorms that are collective- Unsurprisingly, this kind of culture are introduced to techno-preneur-
ly upheld by a particular group of shakes off conservative ways of ship early in their young lives. Thus,
people. Evidently, culture is a multi- doing things. In fact, entrepreneur- they grow up with the mentality of
faceted concept that involves many ial culture is the contemporary way wanting to be self-reliant, to stand
elements hence it cannot be defined of tackling business opportunities, up on their own two feet, rather
by a single trait or idea. As a result, it by infusing creativity and innova- than working their brains out on
is passed down from one generation tion in a bid to start new high tech thinking where they will get employ-
to the next without failure. Likewise, ventures, creating employment, ment next. As a matter of fact, in
this is the same with entrepreneurial improving the standard of living 2019, China was the second largest
culture for it is a new way of think- for people, building infrastruc- economy in the world with a GDP
ing and implementing things that ture, whilst ultimately ensuring the of US$ 13.41 trillion due to this
is debunking yesteryear’s axioms. nation’s economic development, as technopreneurial culture. Indeed,
Accordingly, business authorities stated by Munyoro and Phiri (2020). even the Hofstede model articu-
state that entrepreneurial culture is For that reason, entrepreneurial lates the issue of individualism and
the combination of personal values, culture should be inculcated and collectivism that the former does
managerial skills, experiences and indoctrinated in all flotsam and promote entrepreneurial culture
behaviors that set apart the entre- jetsam including even the children immensely as compared to the latter.
preneur in terms of spirit of initia- still at kindergarten. The benefit of Likewise, the model tackles again on
tives, risk taking, innovative capacity doing so is that they will have an masculinity versus feminity with the
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