Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 76
Abigirl Phiri is a Ph.D student in com-
merce, free-lance writer, poet, International
Ambassador of Peace, GBV activist,
social entrepreneur, talent manager and an
international marketer. More of her work
can be found on her Facebook Page:
Words are forever. MOVING
niversities need to move
away from being ivory
towers solely concerned FROM IVORY TOWER
Uabout academic work.
Now is the time to join hands with MENTALITY
the industry, government and the
general populace, if ever they are
to create new and relevant innova- We Can Rework Our University Education
tions, especially African universities.
This is because the industry knows
exactly what it needs. Thus, it should
inform the universities’ curricula on
what they should teach their gradu-
ates so that they later fit in this same
evolving industry. Failure to do so
will mean graduate unemployment
will keep on soaring high. Likewise, Each and every day people face
universities should cease to be the countless challenges which universi-
ivory towers by also listening to the ties’ innovations should address ef-
problems of the general populace. fectively. For that reason, that is why
Notably, if they do so they will be the Triple Helix model was postulat-
able to clearly come up with inno- ed that has the government, industry
vations that can be commercialized and universities working together.
and have the ability to address and Indeed, we can never talk about
end all social problems. Thus, there cordial relations of the universities
should be a nexus between univer- and industry whilst leaving out the
sities and the outside world. All the government. In fact, the govern-
parties involved should work as one ment plays a pivotal role in making
unit in a bid to make life easier for sure there is an enabling environ-
everyone concerned. This is why ment for both these two respective
it is even said two heads are better parties, industry and universities. In
than one. Similarly, this applies in addition, it aids in enacting policies
such a scenario between industry and giving out well needed funds
and universities, not forgetting the to make things happen smoothly in
government as well as the general their countries. Thus, it should be
populace. involved in this tripartite relation-
76 | we tell the true afrikan story