Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 71
proach than their papers conned recognize this whoredom has been Something dey go round town
them into taking. blinded by the lies of the papers People dey go downtown
It is shameful to try to create some that grant them the titles and access The world is spinning round round
kind of aspirational culture, when to spaces that they so desperately The world is going downtown
the thing that we are pushing people sought and still seek.
to aspire towards has nothing but Something dey go round town
death to offer in return. Of what There is a problem with these People dey slam head for ground
use is it to aspire to own or live in ‘modern’ societies that we are trying Dem say garri still cost for town
a 3-bedroom house, or drive some so desperately to build in Afrika. Few people dey smile
fancy 4x4, when the path to getting They are consuming our souls to More dey frown
it means that you step on the heads the extent and the degree that we You can watch his video here:
of others to get there, or cause their have forgotten who we are and what
deaths or oppression in the process? we are supposed to offer ourselves, watch?v=ALSbiS4zHvs
each other and the world. And this
Are we saying that Afrikan society is has to stop. It is shocking the levels Basically, what Brymo is describ-
a ‘by any means necessary’ society? of deprivation and degradation that ing in his song is the state of the
The kind that takes pleasure in we have sunk to as a people. This nations and how we close our eyes
baring one’s breasts or bank balanc- is something Nigerian musician, to the evils and rot, while mostly
es in order to get one’s way? Is this Brymo, captures in his song, Down, covering them up with religious
what we are saying that our children in one of the most apt descriptions nonsense. We steal, loot and share
should aim for? That they should of societal decay: public funds among our friends and
do all to get a scholarship from one Something dey go round town associates, while the man on the
organization in the UK, or the US, People dey go downtown street barely has what to eat or feed
or China that will grant them a de- Some people dey stand around his family with. And because we are
gree that opens them up to a job in You wanna to know, go downtown not paying attention nor heeding the
government or civil society… and in voice of reason, the world is literally
return they then become the kind of Them say the Chief going downtown. So it feels ok
person that betrays their country, by E dey sleep with the thief wife that the priest prays for the thief to
opening the doors to these foreign Aboki for corner continue stealing, while the daughter
countries to pursue their wicked E dey sleep with the chief wife of the local chief is impregnated by
goals in Afrika? Or are we saying The neighbor daughter, carry belle for the the thief. A smelly situation that can
that it is morally ok to allow highly thief child only be called shameful. A merry-
toxic materials to be dumped in any Rere run go-round of a foolish and mindless
part of Afrika because of money? O run society that is not paying atten-
Knowing full well that the only rea- tion to the fact that when things
son why those who brought those Something dey go round town go round, they always come back
materials to Afrika was because they People dey go downtown around.
knew the level of toxicity those ma- The world is spinning round round
terials carry and the effects on their The world is going downtown We need to be very afraid of the
own people. But we allow it in our culture that we are creating for Afri-
land, not caring what danger we put People dey go uptown ka. It has to dawn on us now, today,
our people in. Anyway anyhow now now this instant, that the more degrees,
Chop your own and clean mouth now diplomas, and theological experts
Are we so blind that we cannot see We print and loot and share around we seem to acquire as a people, the
the levels of foreign control and Them say the priest worse things seem to get, and that
their tools of manipulation any- E dey pray for the thief perhaps we are missing the point
more? Simply because we want to Shadaka for Allah of it all. Blindly embracing what
have the kind of recognition, resi- Blood for the spirit we were told by the people who
dence, or motor vehicle that others People no bother oppressed, tortured, sold, raped
have? We must understand that this, Dem they wait on the Lord fa and murdered our grandparents,
what we are building in Afrika, is a Rere run and great grandparents for their
culture of prostitution of the high- O run own personal gain; and who are still
est level and anyone who does not working behind the scenes con-