Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 69


                 ocial media is full of belli-  are said to keep society going… or   to force their compliance to their
                 cose individuals, whose en-  they are a part of them. Imagine a   will, despite abundant evidence
                 tire pursuit is to belittle and   world or system that is controlled by   and feedback from the parents and
         Sdemean others, while touting       people with such sick and arrogant   the children that the educational
          their own greatness, by displaying   attitudes. So you do not have to   program they are insisting on rolling
          their certificates and achievements   wonder to much why life is the way   out is not working for the people
          in one religious, academic or techni-  it is.                         they are supposed to be serving.
          cal field and career or another.
          “I have 10 years’ experience”;     As they walk around proclaiming    Lawyers and judges alike, who enjoy
          “I have 3 Master’s degrees and 2   their ‘greatness’, they spare not one   regaling or disparaging each other
          PhDs”; “I know the President,      thought for the true reality that is   with fancy words and statutes, will
          personally”; “Do you know who      playing out around them, in the    not pause for a moment to consider
          my dad is?” “I have been in politics   domains where they are said to   the high levels of injustice in their
          longer than you have been alive”;   have ‘stamped’ their authority or   land, when the man who stole US$2
          “I had a personal revelation from   left their mark. By doing so, they   is imprisoned for years, while the
          God”… on and on they go, before    miss the opportunity for humility   one who stole US$2 billion goes
          they drop the final pieces of their   to catch up with them, and to cause   free, because of ‘who he is’, or who
          braggadocious bombs on their hap-  them to have a life-saving change   he paid off, and he is allowed to
          less targets: “What have YOU got to   of course. And because of their   steal again. Mr President or Prime
          show for yourself? You are nothing,   missed opportunities, the younger   Minister have no qualms enjoying
          worthless, unqualified to speak in   generation, within the space of their   the bounty of the land and selling it
          my presence, let alone breathe the   influence are left unguided or at best   to former and new colonizers, while
          rarified air that I breathe.”      influenced negatively. So, these self-  the men and women who fought
                                             claimed experts go about flaunting   for their country’s independence,
          This structure of arrogant aggres-  their peacock feathers but remain ir-  and their children are living in abject
          sion spreads through the various   relevant for things that really matter.  poverty, ignored and rejected.
          strata of social media ‘hierarchy’,
          which mirrors the existing societal   Mister, Madam or Doctor degree   Financial and economic experts
          hierarchy, where those who have a   holder will not blink an eye as they   will not consider that all their fancy
          little more than the rest exert their   drive past rivers that are black with   economic modeling is not working,
          own version on them, and on and    pollutants and full of filth, on their   in the light of the increasing gap
          on. Turning social media interac-  way to receive an award for their   between those who have money
          tions into virtual minefields and   work in improving their environ-  and those who do not, plunging
          battlefields which explode, every   ment. Reverend or Archbishop      those who do not into desperate
          now and then, with varying degrees   so-and-so will rest easy, in garments   economic times – they will not think
          of hostility, and the outcome yields   lined with gold, and bejeweled orna-  that it matters that one person lacks
          new ‘kings of the castle’. Social   ments adorning their fingers, while   while the other has more than they
          media has become a place where a   little children play in the filth around   can use. They actually think that
          simple conversation or comment     the black rivers of death, eating   is how the system works, because
          can be misconstrued and twisted    maggots because the poor little    that is what they were taught in
          to mean almost anything under the   humans thought they are rice, and   their fine-fine business schools and
 Experts  have conversations that are ‘saner’   gold were their birthright, instead   tions that were caused either by the
                                                                                courses. Medical professionals will
          sun, causing many to retreat into si-
                                             throwing their poop away in plastic
                                             bags. The ‘men of God’ act as if the
          lence or direct messages where they
                                                                                use complex treatments for condi-
          and more controlled. And the trend
                                             of the works of compassion they
                                                                                complex medical treatments they
                                                                                used before, or by the chemicals that
                                             claim to align themselves to. The
          is not stopping.
                                                                                were put in the food and water that
                                             Minister or Permanent Secretary
          But the worst part of all that is,
                                             of Education, with all their various
                                                                                their patients consumed. And they
          these arrogant online braggarts are
                                                                                will hail themselves and each other
                                             degrees and qualifications, will not
          either a reflection of the self-pro-
                                             of state to fight against the parents
                                                                                solving a problem that no one else
          claimed ‘elites’ who are running the
                                                                                could solve – while the cause of the
                                             of the children they are saying they
          affairs of the governments, busi-  think it dumb to use the instruments   for their innovation and savvy in
 in useless and lifeless things  nesses, INGOs and whatnot, that   want to ‘educate and empower’, and   disease goes unknown, misunder-
           WWW .MSINGI AFRIKAM A GAZINE.COM                                     ISSUE 18 | DECEMBER 2021     69
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