Page 64 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 64


              Abel Merawi                    western standards, and so our cur-  disarming beauty of black wom-
     Abel Merawi is from Addis  Ababa.  He   riculum prepare us for a western life.   en. The spirit of Thomas Sankara,
                                                                                Markus Garvey, Emperor Menelik II
                                             Our financial institutions and eco-
     is an English  literature teacher, freelance   nomic systems are directly imported,   and Haile Selassie continue to haunt
     writer/reporter for and an Am-  with little to no consideration as to   Africans who have gone astray from
     haric-English  translator and  editor. He   their applicability in African context.   the vision of Pan Africanism. Our
                                             We are entertained by cheaply im-
                                                                                forefathers were chained and taken
     also writes for www.msingiafrikamagazine.  ported Hollywood movies, we form   away from Africa, but we currently
     com. You can reach him via: abelmerawi4@  opinions based on the brainwashing   risk our lives to enter Western coun-
                          Western mainstream media, and we   tries by any means necessary. Our
                                             call this news and documentaries.   ancestors, the chieftains of egalitar-
                                                                                ian Africa, have risked and lost their
                                             Collective amnesia has been instilled   lives in an attempt to defend Africa
                                             in Africans, making us forget and   – their homeland. Alas! Today our
          people for a while, but only spiri-  ignore our past greatness. Western-  political leaders and elites compete
          tual and mental hegemony has the   ers have told us that we are uncivi-  to attract foreigners at the expense
          power to systematically colonize and   lized, barbaric, poor, and have called   of their people. Kwasi Wiredu in his
          enchain people for more than 400   us by nasty names. But most hurtful   1998 article, Toward Decolonizing
          years. As Elie Wiesel expressed it in   is our reaction – we have accepted   African Philosophy and Religion,
          ‘Night’, it was neither Nazi Ger-  it. We echoed of our uncivil nature   has argued, “Such minds are what
          mans nor Jew capos that guarded    through our intellectuals, called   may justly be called colonized. They
          the concentration camps and the gas   ourselves barbaric, and lived poor   are minds that think about and
          chamber; it was rather illusion. To   surrounded by abundance. They   expound their own culture in terms
          colonize and enslave Africans too,   used ‘white’ to unleash a force of   of categories of a colonial origin
          the colonizers and enslavers made   evil across the world. They gave   without any qualms as to any possi-
          us accept an illusion. We accepted   ‘black’ a double meaning: externally,   ble conceptual incongruities.”
          their superiority and our inferiority,   ‘blacks’ were those to be oppressed
          and so did some of the post-inde-  in the name of civilization, and   In Roots, by Alex Haley, we see
          pendence leaders of African nations.   internally, ‘blacks’ were the uncivi-  how Kunta Kinte refuses to accept
          The Africans who were educated,    lized people who fought civil wars.   the new name, Toby, he is given by
          or rather indoctrinated, in western   As national borders were erected   the slaver. He proudly announc-
          mentality, still imitated the oppres-  by colonizers in a treaty to parti-  es, “I am Kunta Kinte, first son
          sors in governance and ambition.   tion and loot Africa, civil wars were   of Omoro, who is the son of the
          Westernized Africans continue to   bound to occur in post-indepen-    holy man Kairaba Kunta Kinte!”
          reignite the dying fire of colonialism   dent Africa. We also learned civil   He almost lost his life before
          while extinguishing the living fire   wars from the ‘divide-and-conquer’   abandoning his origin, his identity.
          of freedom from Africans. We, the   strategy of Europeans, who came to   Currently, westernized black par-
          generations that followed, still strug-  our continent only after committing   ents are doing the dirty work of the
          gle to breath an African air, as we   ethnic cleansing in their own land   former colonizers, they willingly
          are suffocated under the dark mist   and created homogeneous Europe-  name their babies western names
          of oppressed mentality.            an nations. Our western educated   they see in Hollywood movies. In
                                             leaders imitate the ways of their   Ethiopia, where the colonizers were
          We have inherited western dreams   masters, and so enforce the same   defeated by black roaring lions, I see
          and ambitions from our political,   cruelty in Africa.                neocolonialism slowly invading us.
          spiritual and intellectual leaders. To                                At schools, thanks to westernized
          reclaim Africa, we must abandon    To learn freedom, we must unlearn   parents, curriculums give priority
          the false prophets who roam in our   slavery. To reclaim Africa demands   to mastering English more than
          midst spreading the oppressors’    the abandonment of foreign stan-   any other subject matter. I am also
          false narratives. We have inherited   dards of measures we have learnt   ashamed to see businesses in Addis
          westernized institutions that made   along the way. For instance, we must   Ababa, the capital of AU, with
          mental colonization possible even   stop using the ghostly image of the   displays such as New York Café or
          in the absence of the colonizer. We   white skinny female standard of   Texas Language center. All around
          have measured our education in     beauty, before we can admire the   me, I see westerners in black skin. I

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