Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 61
warning women to watch their hus- thinks that the only thing she is tanglement. So, somehow we have
bands, that they, the teenage girls worth is the sex she has to offer created this narrative that says that
were coming for them. Imagine to the male, while the male child it is ok to have sex with anyone,
that for a moment. thinks it is his right for the female anywhere, and anyhow like animals
to spread her legs for him. So, ba- running around in a zoo. And this
We keep missing the point sically, our training and teaching of is the narrative we are exposing the
When two teenage children, a boy the male and female child is from young minds of our children to.
and a girl of below eighteen years’ the angle of sexuality, and not
old have sex, based on mutual from the angle of HUMANITY. We have even sexualized our
agreement to do so, and not a So, when they grow up, they do adverts and product promo-
forced entry, why should the law not grow up with the intention to tions.
sentence the boy to jail, while the be humans living among humans, You see a toothpaste advert with
girl is made to feel like an inno- but as sexual beings living among a woman in a bikini, all sexied up.
cent victim and sent home to her sexual beings, ready to be used to But what has toothpaste, and the
parents? While I do not condone satisfy sexual needs, or to use sex cleaning of the teeth and mouth,
such sexual engagement among as a weapon of destruction or a got to do with a “hot” model
children, it does not make sense tool for favors. And then we com- wearing a bikini? So, the male child
nor give room for wisdom when plain when we see rape cases soar- who is not taught, and whose mind
such sentencing is done to the male ing at alarming rates and the cases is not trained to handle such an
child, like a villain, and the girl of women ready to do anything to over-sexualized society, goes out
child is sent home like an innocent get what they want, including using there thinking every vagina is for
victim. We have been laying the sex, going sky high. the taking, and every woman must
wrong foundations for our societ- Now we see the so-called ce- be a sex toy. As for the female
ies, especially with the way we deal lebrities that we have allowed to who has been told that the most
with sexual issues, and then act invade our homes, and to teach important parts of her being are
surprised when we are faced with our children on TV, have multiple her breasts and vagina, she thinks
domestic violence in marriages. We children from different women, that her power to make influence
have been neglecting the emotion- and the women have broken off is found somewhere within her
al needs of the male child, while from various marriages. In fact, clothes. That is definitely a lot of
protecting the emotional expres- having multiple baby mamas torment to deal with and the tor-
sion and innocence of the female and multiple baby daddies seems ment is real out there.
child. But should we not by now be to be a mark of celebrity status
teaching them the true virtues that right now, and the numbers are My personal experience
make for our collective humani- increasing. Hollywood has creat- I really do not like putting myself
ty, and not trying to pamper the ed an over-sexualized society in or my story out there, but I think
individual tendencies that create their movies and our children are what I am about to share will give a
misbehavior? watching. For example, you watch bit of strength to this article.
a movie scene where a tired man
We all have our responsibilities goes to the bar after work, orders I grew up believing that I was
I really do not know if this is the a drink and as he sips, a woman going to marry a white woman. It
best way to put it, but I think we walks in with the intention of got to the point where, even in my
are over-sexualizing the mind of also getting a drink. Both get into adult years, that I thought it was
the female child, while overly try- some chit-chat about how stressful God’s plan for me. And that was
ing to carve out a man figure out their day at the office or business because God had told me before
of the male child, even while they was, even though they never met that I would not marry from my
are not taught the basic principles before. You can guess what the home country, Nigeria. So, I was
of how to be and act as men and next scene is. Either both are in a set in my mind that a white wom-
women. So, we protect the sexu- room peeling off their clothes like an it was. So, when I knew it was
ality of the female child from the they have suddenly been set on fire, the season to get married and the
sex hungry male child, beat down with lips sealed in a passionate kiss direction I was being pointed to
the male child for expressing that and knocking things down or they was Kenya, it did not make sense
which is innate in him, and then are wasted in the bed wrapped with at all. I was like, I thought it was
create a situation where the female the bedsheets after a hot sexual en- a white woman story. This was